Growing up, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were one of my absolute favorite characters, in every form possible. From the comics to cartoons to films and toys (Sweet Jeebus, the number of TMNT toys I had!), I was hooked. I even had the Coming Out Of Their Shells Tour soundtrack on cassette! (My parents bought it for me on a trip to Pizza Hut, who were doing a cross-promotion at the time.) So, when the opportunity to review TMNT: The Kevin Eastman Covers 2011-2015 came up, I Ninja-Kicked the damn rabbit to get the chance. (If you get that reference, then this book is totally for you!)


TMNT is one of those awesomely ’80s-’90s properties that IDW is keeping awesome. (They are single-handedly throwing my childhood in my face, and I love it.) Obviously, the title of the book tells you what to expect from it, but it’s so much more. TMNT: The Kevin Eastman Covers 2011-2015 give fans and aspiring comic artists insight into the thoughts and processes of doing comic cover art from one of the co-creators of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles himself, Kevin Eastman. From sketches & blue lines to initial drafts & final products, this book shows you what Eastman went through creating the covers to issues #1-50 and all the extra books from the last few years. It’s great to see Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and their fight against Shredder & The Foot Clan live on in so many forms, especially in print form. If you’re a fan, then you know how iconic Eastman’s art style is to the world of TMNT. As both a reviewer and a huge fan, I believe this book should be in every fan’s collection.

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