The Black Feather Falls, a new story from Ellen Lindley, author of “Undertow” tells the story of Tina Swift, an American who has recently relocated to London during the Roaring Twenties. Hoping to escape a murky past that’s only hinted at briefly, Tina finds herself embroiled in a murder mystery when the body of a vagrant is discovered outside the shop she works at. Lindley gives her lead a headstrong, typically “American” mentality which leads to inevitable clashes with the rigid English she encounters as this mystery unfolds.
Ellen Lindner’s art captures the frivolity of the times while remaining minimalistic when necessary. Her color work is beyond impressive, however. As Tina and her dubious partner, Ms. McInteer learn of the Gannet Jersey, you’ll want to linger on that page just a bit longer.
The story keeps just enough pace to intrigue the reader and builds to a cliffhanger which leaves you curious for the next chapter.