Review: Conan the Barbarian #13
Posted By Leo Johnson on February 21, 2013
Brian Wood has had an acclaimed run on Conan so far. He’s taken the barbarian to sea, made him fall in love, and pitted him against many a foe. Now, Wood is teaming up with Mirko Colak to bring us the next chapter in Conan’s life, a chapter filled with sadness and yet another great battle.
Belit has left Conan and the crew of the Tigress. Her miscarriage has left her questioning whether she will ever return to the sea or her Cimmerian lover. Unable to stand her absence, Conan seeks her out, only to be conscripted into the army of a nameless Shemite king along the way. It’s as part of this army that Conan finds Belit once again.
Brian Wood has this issue of Conan light on dialogue for the most part. Narration accounts for most of the written word in this issue, with only a few pages having more than five or six word balloons. This actually plays well with the character of Conan, as he’s a generally stoic individual who makes his words count, saving them for the times when they’re needed. The somber tone of this first issue sets the perceived tone for the overall arc.
Mirko Colak’s art is great for this story. Colak is able to balance the detail of a single soldier with the multitude of an army, giving the entire issue a rich visual appearance. Colak’s Conan is a bit more muscular than the previous look, but still has the pained, quiet look of a troubled man. This art style is sure to be perfect when one-on-one action sequences come into play in future issues.
Conan loses a love, but comic readers gain another wonderful issue. Wood is past the halfway point of his contracted 25 issues, but shows no signs of slowing down or any drop in quality.
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