Comic book review webseries “Pow! Snikt! Thwip!” is back on YouTube with Rob, Paul, Brian, Duane, Billiam, and Dana. Joining them this week are Chris and Anthony. The reviews for this week are X-Men Legacy #5, Mara #2, Deathmatch #2, and Superior Spider-Man #2.
The reviews are well done, but lacking some of the personality that I’ve gotten used to, and it appears that quite a bit has been cut out. Fortunately, the extra scenes shown during the credits are very funny and make this episode worth watching by themselves, but I do hope that more of the humor and off-topic conversation will be left in the reviews in the future.
If you missed any of the previous weeks, you can watch them here. And if you enjoy “Pow! Snikt! Thwip!,” remember to give them a “like” and subscribe to their YouTube channel.
Warning: Some NSFW language.