Pow! Snikt! Thwip! How Ridiculous?
Posted By Joshua Dancer on January 25, 2013
Comic book review webseries “Pow! Snikt! Thwip!” is back on YouTube with episode six. Series regulars Rob and Paul from The Lag Switch, Hudson Valley’s comics guru Brian, and Duane from The Viewing Screen are all here, and Dana is back in her second appearance. This episode also introduces us to Chris. The comics reviewed this episode are Crow: Skinning the Wolves #2, New Avengers #2, Indestructible Hulk #3, Mars Attacks! The Real Ghostbusters, and Batman #16.
I was very pleased to see both the return of Dana and that she had more to say this time. The look into how ridiculous comics can seem when you’re unfamiliar with them is hilarious. I’m less pleased that it’s such a short installment. There were supposed to be additional videos with the team reviews for the week, but technical issues have delayed their upload. Rob is working on getting them fixed and I will update when new content is available. Until then, enjoy the individual reviews.
If you missed any of the previous weeks, you can watch them here. And if you enjoy “Pow! Snikt! Thwip!,” remember to give them a “like” and subscribe to their YouTube channel.
Warning: Some NSFW language.
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