Each review published on NerdSpan.com is the opinion of its respective author, regardless of personal, professional,or unprofessional relationship with the creator, publisher, producer, distributor, or other source of the creative work in question. That opinion normally does not represent NerdSpan.com’s official position on anything.

Notes to review copy providers

If you are interested in having your creative work reviewed on this site, please note the following:

  • You are providing the review copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review of the work, regardless of whether that review will be favorable.
  • We reserve the right to refuse any request.
  • While we prioritize reviews of nerdy topics (e.g., science fiction), we also provide nerdy views on non-nerdy topics as well.
  • We review them whenever and if we review them. While we will truly consider publishing reviews on dates you might request, we  do not guarantee specific publication dates or even that reviews can run quickly, especially not reviews of material that does not strike us as being of a particularly timely nature.
  • We will not review incomplete works.
  • Know that NerdSpan writers will not support illegal activities or bigoted content. On this website, they will not endorse any specific pornographic, political, or religious content, although they might possibly acknowledge their own backgrounds in order to provide perspective when clearly relevant.

Notes to NerdSpan writers

  • Do not slant reviews in return for any compensation.
  • If you receive a free review copy, do not consider that copy to be your compensation for anything other than providing an honest review, whether positive or negative.
  • That said, though, remember rule #1: Don’t be a jerk. Don’t give a negative review just to prove you can. Be constructive.
  • If you receive a free review copy, either refer to it as such somewhere in your article or add a note at the end of your article thanking the company or creator for sending the copy for an honest review.
  • Receiving an unsolicited review copy (one none of us requested) does not obligate you to write a review.
  • You reserve the right to refuse any review request.
  • When you solicit (request) a specific review copy, that implicitly obligates you to review or promptly return the item.
  • If the review copy provider sent inappropriate content (e.g., pornography) and you did not know about that aspect of the material back when you requested your review copy, you are probably under no obligation of any kind because they shouldn’t have sent it in the first place.
  • In the future, we will discuss the issue of full disclosure regarding any dual relationships you might have with content providers. For now, if you think you might have a possible conflict of interest, discuss it with your editor right away.

On a related note, NerdSpan writers do not typically thank event organizers for providing press passes to their events. Those organizing the events appreciate the press members who provide coverage. If you do accept a press pass, that obligates you to provide real coverage and not just run around having fun for free.

These guidelines and other policies are works in progress and are subject to amendments, revisions, corrections, deletions, and other edits.

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