Under the banner of Dead No More, Marvel Comics has been teasing the return of dead Spider-Man characters, including Uncle Ben and Captain Stacy. Doctor Octopus, revealed to be living as an electronic ghost since Superior Spider-Man ended, also makes a more recognizable appearance in these teasers as his tentacles appear to be battling Spider-Man.
Many might argue that the return of Uncle Ben would change Spider-Man comics for the worse, and no doubt Marvel Comics will follow this safe route and return Uncle Ben to his status quo at the end of this event. That said, John Byrne’s decision to bring back Jonathan and Martha Kent in his run on Action Comics and Superman proved to be one of the only decisions he made that was popular with most Superman fans, and it was carried over onto the popular TV series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. The return of Jonathan and Martha Kent was a deep resource for the Superman writing team that allowed Clark Kent to have confidants, advisors, and displays of parental love that enriched both the comic book and TV stories. The return of Uncle Ben would be an inexhaustible treasure for storytelling that the Spider-Man writers would probably love to tackle. Still, the probability remains low that this will be a permanent change in the Marvel Comics canon.
Official Dead No More teaser images: