
Back in 2012, Bonus Stage was born on Rant Gaming. Our mission- to share the wonders created by the videogame fan community. Cosplay, fanart, videos, music you name it. When Rant was shut down by The Man, the lovely folk here at NerdSpan welcomed us with open arms. We settled into our new home and have been continuing our work ever since. But at NerdSpan we know you’re not only into videogames. We know there’s a good chance you love comics, movies and TV, anime and manga, science and other things that are awesome. And fans of those things are every bit as creative as gamers. So from now on we’ll continue to bring you the same kind of stuff we always have, but it will be from all over the wider geek world, not just gaming. So welcome to the new look Bonus Stage. We hope you’ll like it!


Check out this incredibly dramatic looking Nightwing Cosplay! [Fashionably Geek]



Andrew Doma’s series ” Super Smash Bros: Remixed” is giving characters from the smash series a more realistic makeover. Check out his DA page for more!


What if Frozen was crashed into Orange Is The New Black? That’s a question you’ve probably never asked yourself,  but we’re sure glad that animator OnlyLeigh did. Sending Elsa to the Big House (populated by several over Disney characters), this is the crossover you never knew you needed.



The new BatGirl redesign has provoked lots of conversation.  It’s also inspired some excellent fanart, like this wonderful piece from MaHenBu.


This video doing the rounds claims to be from a lost Japanese remake of Doctor Who from the 70’s or 80’s. It’s in fact a spot on homage from a talented fellow named Joshua Kahan and inspired by the all too real brilliance of the 70’s Japanese Spiderman series.




A brilliant Mortal Kombat photoshoot! See all the pics at Geek X Girls (warning: things gets a big gory).



How Godzilla (2014) Should Have Ended…



Jora from Guild Wars as portrayed by Illyne.



Taylor Davis plays the theme from The Last Of Us.… while cosplaying as the game’s star Ellie!



Finally, for the inaugural edition this new look Bonus Stage,  check out the awesome cosplay from FantasyCon 2014 in this music video!




See you next time!