The new Spider-Man animated series set for 2017 appears to be a team-up show featuring Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales.
Marvel Animation didn’t reveal much about the upcoming Spider-Man cartoon scheduled next year for Disney XD, however, illustration and design studio Fractured Pixels uploaded merchandising designs that suggest it won’t be a solo Peter Parker show.
The company’s portfolio features promotional artwork for the 2017 Spider-Man cartoon with Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, and fan-favorite villain Venom taking center stage. Spider-Gwen and Miles are prominently displayed on various merchandise, suggesting they play an important role in the new Spider-Man series. The biggest giveaway that the new cartoon will be a team-up series is the t-shirt design that features all three heroes with the word “Team-Up!” splattered across.
This isn’t the animation debut of Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales, however, as both previously appeared in the third season of the Ultimate Spider-Man dubbed Web Warriors.
December 18, 2016
No…no…nooo…WHY! I hope this won’t turn out how I think it’s going to be.
December 18, 2016
BUT, I still have hope. I can’t judge until I see a few episodes or a clip.
December 29, 2016
It is gonna turn into a godamn mess
December 29, 2016
They Already gonna ruin this too spiderman never team up to beat venome he was fighting soo hard alone till he win
Desniy needs to watch the s spiderman or spiderman the animated series