Image Comics Weekly News Wrap Up

Posted By on August 29, 2014

Looking for Image news and upcoming books? Look no further.

The Wicked + The Divine #4 Features Variant by Kevin Wada

Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie’s new series from Image The Wicked + The Divine has been taking the comic world by storm. This powerhouse team is known for fun series that feature young protagonists. The Wicked + The Divine is no exception. Issue 4 has an added bonus to the fantastic series: a variant cover by the talented Kevin Wada.

Wicked and Divine 4 Variant Wicked and Divine 4

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Picking up from where the previous issue’s cliffhanger left off, in THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #4 the mystery is solved. But can you guess if pop-god Lucifer likes the answer? Plus, there’s much more to Baal than meets the eye, dear reader. He has secrets you’ll want to know…

“We’ve been following Laura in her journey into the world of the Gods this arc,” said Gillen. “This takes her right to the heart of it. It’s where we’ve been heading—which immediately sets the stage for what’s next. Which is issue 5, the end of the first story, which you have to imagine we have certain special things planned for. And you’d be correct.”

Issue 4 will be in stores September 17.

Deadly Class #7 Artwork Preview

Rick Remender and Wes Craig’s 80s assassin school series returns with a new arc in issue #7. Check out Craig’s art for the new issue:

Deadly Class 7DeadlyGridFinalDeadlyGridFinalDeadlyGridFinalDeadlyGridFinalDeadlyGridFinal

Issue 7 will be in stores September 17th.

New Series Oddly Normal Preview

Oddly makes a wish that turns her life upside down. With her wish gone awry, she must travel to Fignation and make everything right again. Otis Frampton’s new series promises to be a fun read for all ages.

Oddly Normal 1Oddly Normal 1.1Oddly Normal 1.2Oddly Normal 1.5Oddly Normal 1.3

From Image:

Filled with steampunk-esque creatures, magical new alliances, floating dirigibles, and a nefarious mystery, Oddly’s adventure is anything but normal. ODDLY NORMAL is a witty, world-building fantasy sophisticated enough to enchant adults and whimsical enough to inspire the imaginations of younger audiences.

“I’m looking forward to taking readers on a fun ride,” said Frampton. “Fignation is the collective imagination of humanity and Oddly is going to be stuck there for a while. Monsters, magic, super-heroes, time-travel… expect all of it in Oddly Normal.”

Oddly Normal is available in stores September 17th.

Early Preview of New Series Roche Limit 

Michael Moreci and Vic Malhotra’s new sci-fi series, Roche Limit, explores life in the stars at a failing colony.

Roche Limit 1Roche Limit 1.1Roche Limit 1.2Roche Limit 1.3Roche Limit 1.4Roche Limit 1.5Roche Limit 1.6Roche Limit 1.7

From Image:

“Our destiny is the stars, and I will lead us there.” Twenty years after this promise, billionaire Langford Skaargard’s dream of cosmic exploration is no more. Roche Limit, a colony situated on the cusp of a mysterious energy anomaly, has become a melting pot of crime and terrible secrets. When Bekkah Hudson goes missing, the search to find her will plunge her sister and a cadre of the colony’s underworld figures into an odyssey that reveals a bleak future for humanity.

“The entire creative team is really encouraged by the tremendous response toRoche Limit so far,” said Moreci. “Commercially and creatively. It’s been great, and we hope to make its release equal to its buildup.”

The first issue is available September 24th.

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About the Author

Mara Whiteside is a doctoral student in School Psychology with a research focus in comic books and how to use this medium in therapy and educational settings. She tends to spend most of her day reading comic books, writing about comic books, and thinking about comic books (kind of a one-track mind…). Mara’s other hobbies include reading manga, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and improving her understanding of visual literacy. You can find her at and Follow her on Twitter as @MarvelousMaraW.