The Humble Bundle has become a staple of nerd culture, and a symbol for it at its best – a revolving door of massive, pay-what-you-want deals on video games, comics, and audiobooks, with the proceeds going to charity. This week’s Humble Book Bundle is particularly notable for featuring a massive array of Image Comics Volume 1s in support of The Hero Initiative, which provides backing for medical support (among many other things) for elder comics creators. There are 9 TPBs (and/or collections of issues) included in the pay-what-you-want tier, including Ryan Browne’s brilliant God Hates Astronauts, an insane melange of hideously-aberrant, self-absorbed superheroes (originally a webcomic found here, read it, someone has a cow ghost for a head.) Also included is Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughan’s Alex + Ada. A payment above the average (currently just over $15) nets you 8 more, including the most recent Walking Dead and Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky’s madcap Sex Criminals (Two people learn they can both stop time, but only briefly, and only after sex. They rob banks, and learn they aren’t the only people with this…power.)

Paying $18 nets you three additional e-books, including the MASSIVE Walking Dead compendium (The first 48 issues of a book that netted 4 spots on the top-10 trade paperback sales list last year) and the first 18 issues of Saga, Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples’ beautifully grounded space opera (which has rocketships made out of wood and princes with TVs for heads and Lying Cats, and netted 4 OTHER spots on the top-10 TPB list last year).

All in all, there are up to 143 issues of standout work from Image, all for as little as $18.

This article is terser than my usual because I cannot stress how awesome it is that you can spend $18 on thousands of pages of digital comics, all while contributing to charity.

In addition, there is a free issue being given away daily on the site for the bundle.

Stop reading. Go here.