Renegade Game Studios, best known for scoring critical hits on the tabletop with games like Lanterns: The Harvest Festival and Fuse, and most recently coming on the nerd radar with an announced tabletop adaptation of Scott Pilgrim, announced today that they will be bringing Honshu to the U.S. on May 17th of 2017.

Honshu was a hit at Essen 2016, Europe’s largest tabletop gaming convention, and the game has already won the Spiel of Approval Award, been nominated for a Golden Geek Award, and received the Dice Tower Seal of Approval.

The U.S. edition of the game will include an additional item, a score pad to make the end game a little easier.


Honshu is described as:

Honshu is played in rounds, with each round is divided into two phases. During the first phase, Map cards are revealed and the player who played the highest value card gets to pick first from those played. In phase two, the players use their chosen Map card to expand their personal maps. Each player must expand their personal maps to maximize their scoring possibilities. After 12 rounds, players will score points for lakes, forests, residential areas, and production of goods within their city.

Manipulating your position in the player order is crucial for mastering Honshu.

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