Spinning out of the successful “Mini Comics Included” Kickstarter that originally included a Prime-8s story from Michael Moreci, Steve Seeley, and Brent Schoonover, Prime-8s is now heading to MonkeyBrain, this time with new artist Kyle Latino taking over on the series. It follows a group of super-powered primates that must deal with a reemerging evil, even as they’re supposed to be leading “normal” lives.

Prime-8s #1

Prime-8s #1

The first few pages of the story are a bit of exposition in the form of a movie, telling a brief history of the Prime-8s and their adventures, only to have the movie be interrupted by some bad guys. Luckily, a few of the disbanded Prime-8s are there to battle the baddies, ultimately failing. At their house, the members get chewed out by their leader, Power Mandrill, before the reader is shown the evil from the Prime-8s’ past that is coming back to haunt them once again.

Prime-8s #1

Prime-8s #1

Michael Moreci and Steve Seeley share writing duties and they seem to have a knack for making this feel like an old action movie or cartoon. There’s a sense of nostalgia, in a way, when reading the story. It’s interesting that the series begins after the team has broken up, leaving the reader with many questions, but that’s part of the draw.

Prime8-s #1

Prime8-s #1

Kyle Latino’s art is a great fit for the story. It’s helps to solidify the sort of older cartoon feel with his linework. Latino’s ability to convey action in his panels shines, as much of the book features a chase or fight of some kind. The colors from Stephen Bobbett and Jordan Gibson really make the characters and their actions come off the page, only enhancing the overall book.

Prime-8s is definitely worth a read. For just 99¢ on Comixology it’s worth every penny. Where else can you read about a four-armed gorilla, a baboon with exploding hands, or super-powered primates in general?

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