Sequart’s Chris Claremont Documentary Premiere

Posted By on October 8, 2013

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It’s Monday, October 14th, 2013–okay, not quite, but work with me here.  The four-colored insanity of New York Comic Con will be a fresh memory amongst those walking the streets of New York City as the remaining fanboys and geek girls slowly begin reintegrating themselves into the daily grind.  But for those few who wish to hold on to those magic moments for just a few hours more, there’s still one more “must see” screening available for fans in the Big Apple: Sequart’s premiere of the documentary on Chris Claremont.

This documentary will be shown free of charge at the Butler Library on the Columbia University campus sponsored by Respect! Films and Sequart Publishing.  But that’s not all:  This documentary will be immediately followed by a Q&A with one of the fathers of the modern-day X-Men (amongst many other accomplishments), Chris Claremont.  As stated on Sequart’s website: “If you’re a fan of Chris Claremont, the X-Men, or are just a comics history buff in general, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to see and ask about the definitive, behind-the-scenes account of one of the most beloved runs in all of comics history.”

If you’re interested in checking out yet another fine entry from the growing catalog of documentaries from Sequart, here’s what you need to know:

Location: Columbia University, Butler Library, Room 523. The address is 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY.

Time: Monday, Oct. 14, 7pm to 9pm

You can also find out more information on their Facebook Event Page.


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About the Author

Forrest C. Helvie
Dr. Forrest C. Helvie recently completed his doctoral dissertation, which is focused on the relationship between American literature and comic book superheroes, and he is now preparing the book for publication. He served as a panelist at a number of conferences discussing his research in comics, most notably the New York Comic Con. Additionally, Forrest writes for Newsarama and Sequart; additionally, he has recently been working on writing some comic short stories in collaboration with other up-and-coming artists. In addition to his work in comics scholarship, Forrest is an assistant professor of developmental English at Norwalk Community College in Connecticut. Twitter: