Welcome once again to yet another edition of Bonus Stage! Bonus Stage is your regular dose of gaming goodness, where we bring you the finest game inspired art, videos , cosplay, music and more! If you’ve created or found something you’d like to see featured in Bonus Stage drop me a line via twitter: @misterchristor, or drop a comment down below and maybe it will feature in a future installment!
This is the 20th edition of Bonus Stage here on NerdSpan and it’s the biggest one yet!
UK-based Insert Coin will soon be selling awesome PaRappa the Rapper inspired stuff, including this authentic PaRappa beanie hat! You gotta believe!
Check out this amazing Legend of Zelda cosplay from Anime Expo [Geek x Girls]
Waka waka! It’s Pacman the musical in this very funny video from the fine folks at Random Encounters.
Beware The Blue Shell: awesome Mario Kart art from Winter artwork.
This The Last Of Us cosplay gives me the willies. This might actually be too good. [Kotaku]
Remember Mario Warfare the video series that reimagined the world of Mario as an action movie? Good news! The third episode has just recently arrived on the interwebs!
Poképocalypse– an awesome comic from Dueling Analogs.
OK, so this is not new by any means, but I’ve managed not to see it until now. Real Life Goldeneye 64 is pretty hilarious. Caution: video contains swears and violence.
Getting hitched? Why not nerdify your wedding with this Zelda Ring Bearer Pillow?
Assassin’s Creed versus Game Of Thrones anyone? Peter Dinklage meets Ezio in this hilarious picture from Fashionably Geek.
IT8Bit is selling these fantastic Mario Bros inspired backpacks.
More musical goodness- this time it’s all about the console wars!
This brilliant Last of Us comic comes from Hejibits [via Dorkly]
The Famicom turned 30 this week- to mark the occasion here’s an awesome NES cake! More gaming cakes here
Finally to finish up one more video, and it’s a doozy! We’ve featured a number of Cosplay Videos from various conventions before, and this one from London Film and Comic Con is among the best so far. Not only does is feature a load of great cosplayers (game related and otherwise) but look out for cameos from the Hoff, Hodor and some others besides….
Looking for more arty goodness? Check out Artist’s Alley .