Becky Cloonan Opens The Werehouse, Taking Demeter Pre-orders

Posted By on May 23, 2013


Expanding her self-publishing market, comic artist Becky Cloonan opens up new webstore to take pre-orders of her minicomic, Demeter.

Encouraged by the overwhelming support from earlier self-published works like The Mire and Wolves, Cloonan told her Tumblr followers she opened The Werehouse to better manage her book sales:

The main reason for the new store is because I just can’t keep up with this stuff on my own. It’s grown way bigger than I ever thought possible! I am overwhelmed by the support you’ve shown me over the last few years, and I’m pleased to say that I’ve mailed out over 4,000 books in that time!!! This whole thing has been a huge learning experience, since I basically jumped into this without any idea of what to expect, and now I feel like I might kind of know what I’m doing! (More or less.) Now with the Lounak guys behind Werehouse, it’ll free up more of my time at the studio to getting comics drawn!

Cloonan’s upcoming book, Demeter, is set on a remote island where Collin, a man who suffered amnesia before being nearly lost at sea, learns his lover, Anna, struck a deal to keep him alive and that bargain is quickly coming to an end. Those who pre-order Demeter can choose three different versions of the book: a regular edition for $5, a signed/silk screen edition for $10, and a signed with sketch edition for $50. Other artists are also selling through The Werehouse like Andy Belanger and Karl Kerschl.

Recent mainstream work from Cloonan includes the first three and seventh issues of Conan the Barbarian by Brian Wood and Batman #12 by Scott Snyder. She is also contributing to the American Vampire Anthology set for August 7th.

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About the Author

Leo Reyna
Leo Reyna is a freelance writer from Texas that loves anime, video games, and bacon. Writes for Examiner, PlayStation Enthusiast, NerdSpan, and NewsForShoppers. Follow him on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Google+.