The Walking Dead Season 4 Comic Con Banner Revealed!

Posted By on July 1, 2013

Three years ago, AMC put San Diego in a choke hold with the premiere of the Season 1 trailer for The Walking Dead. That year, everyone was captivated by the cinematic 5 minute trailer for the show. It was strange, surreal even, standing there on the convention floor a midst a crowd of fans who stopped to gaze upon the trailer at The Walking Dead booth. In a place that is usually crazy with fanboy/girl pandemonium, folks came to a complete stop and seemed hypnotized by the video. A zombie show on television!? The world had changed.

Each year since, Comic Con has not felt complete without the zombie juggernaut that is the ever  growing world of the show/comic book series/video game. Well, not to stray too far from convention (get it, convention?), AMC has just released the banner ad for Season 4 to be featured at the convention in the coming weeks.

Along with this is the announcement that The Walking Dead will be returning to San Diego with a panel happening on Friday the 19th. We do not have any other specifics yet than this info. But one can only speculate this year will be full of Walking Dead goodness. It’s the 10th anniversary of the comic book series and something interesting is being teased Image Comics and Skybound over at The Walking Dead website. Also, this year’s Walking Dead Escape event looks to be even bigger than last year’s. Capping off the excitement, AMC is starting a marathon for those of you not yet caught up on starting July 4th! So, get on that (Feel free to skip over Season 2)!

Looking at the banner above, maybe  Danai Jekesai Gurira will guide Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus and Chad Coleman into the always epic panel this year by striding in on a majestic stallion

One can only hope.



Ronald D. Moore To Bring Outlander Series To Starz!

Posted By on June 25, 2013


Starz has officially announced Tuesday they will be teaming up with Sony Pictures on a 16 episode order of Outlander, based on the internationally best-selling books by Diana Gabaldon. The series adaptation will be written by none other than Ronald D. Moore who is best known for his work on Battlestar Galactica. In 2006, he won a Peabody Award for said work. Moore, also known for his work on both Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: The Next Generation, has already crafted the pilot episode with a clear vision of the 16 episode season based solely on the Outlander novel (the first of 7 books in the series).

The “Outlander” novels span the genres of romance, science fiction, history and adventure in one expansive tale. It follows the story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who is mysteriously swept back in time to 1743, where she is immediately thrown into an unknown world where her life is threatened. Oh, and should we also mention the bizarre love triangle (not the song!) that unfolds here?

“I’m very excited to have the opportunity to bring these books to life.  Diana’s created a rich and textured world filled with intriguing characters, and I believe that Starz is the perfect home for her story,” Moore said, “I think we’ll make something that the millions of fans of these books will enjoy and recognize as ‘Outlander.’”

It looks like Starz is joining the growing trend of adapting well loved book series into television programming. Look out, HBO! You may have some competition here!

Diana Gabaldon’s seven-book series has sold more than 20 million copies and has graced the New York Times best-sellers list six times. The eighth installment of the “Outlander” series is slated to be released in the fall of 2013. Starz plans to premiere the first season of Outlander in 2014!



Elijah Wood Talks Horror, Comedy And All Things Wilfred!

Posted By on June 24, 2013

It’s been a busy week for Elijah Wood. Last week saw the Season 3 premiere of Wilfred on FX where Wood reprises his role of Ryan. This week marks the theatrical and VOD release of the much talked about horror remake Maniac, in which Mr. Wood stars. Lucky for us, we had a chance to hop on the conference call where he discussed everything from the evolution of comedy, his love of horror movies and whether or not his character Ryan really is crazy.

Let’s get to the conversation highlights, shall we?

In “Comfort”, Ryan spends a good amount of time trying to decide if he is in fact mentally ill. Since Season 2 ended with a realization that his mother’s mental instability may have been passed down to him, the question arose regarding that theme continuing in this season.

EW:  Well, I mean I think we don’t really address head-on any further in this season so much the idea of mental illness, but I think it’s always been there even if we haven’t talked about it.  I think it was interesting to see that in the first episode, ‘Ryan’ kind of addressing it for the first time and sort of being self-aware that could potentially be the reason for ‘Wilfred’s’ existence.

I think from here on out having established that as a possibility it will always be there as a way to sort of potentially look at each of the scenarios that he gets himself in to with ‘Wilfred.’  But I also think because we don’t outright answer it there’s still a sense of ambiguity as to what ‘Wilfred’ is, and I think that’s kind of important for the show that we don’t necessarily answer that question.

As the conversation continued, a question was asked regarding Elijah Wood’s take on the timeline of Wilfred and if there should be a fixed ending point planned for the show.

EW: I think that the structure of the show that’s been created is such that it’s about a guy who is essentially in recovery, and trying to figure out what his path in life is.  This manifestation of ‘Wilfred’ has provided essentially a push for him to kind of figure that out.  I think that can only really last for so long to believe that we are dealing with a man who is kind of struggling for answers to these questions and in this sort of existential question period of his life and in recovery.  I don’t know that we can believe that for ten seasons.

I think to a certain degree there has to be a resolve or a move in a certain direction, so I don’t know.  I think…to the fairness of the construct of the show I think it can only survive for so long.  I would hate to make the show kind of carry on for too long and it not necessarily support what we’ve created, if that makes sense.

Soon, the subject of the evolution of comedy and its future came up. Elijah was asked whether he thought gimmicks and situational comedy would win of the highbrow variety.   

EW: Man the future of comedy, I don’t know if I have much of an opinion on it.  I think what’s interesting about—I mean on a sort of broad level for films I think that there are exciting things happening.  I think where some of the best comedy is coming out is probably online.  You know there are so many distribution models now and people are doing some of the more interesting things potentially in smaller avenues.  I suppose that’s where some of the most exciting things are happening.

I mean cable provides that conduit as well.  A show like Louie for instance couldn’t exist if it weren’t for a network that were sort of brave enough to just let it be what it’s supposed to be, and that, I think, hopefully that inspires similar avenues of expression for comedy.  I think Louie is probably one of the more inspiring things on television because it’s allowed to sort of exist and be whatever it is without it having to be strictly funny all the time, and I think that’s really exciting.


Next, Wood was asked if he has a set answer in mind regarding why Ryan sees Wilfred the way he does. 

EW: I do yeah.  I have an idea.  I’ve kind of made up my mind as to what I think ‘Wilfred’ is.  I don’t know that that’s reflective of what the character has decided though, and to a certain degree I think ‘Ryan’—when ‘Ryan’ meets ‘Wilfred’ in the first season it’s really within an episode in a way that he sort of accepts ‘Wilfred’s’ existence.  I think from there on out even though there are these questions and he does question what ‘Wilfred’ is—I think there’s a deeper level of acceptance and recognizing that ‘Wilfred’s’ purpose albeit uncertain as to where he’s manifesting from and what it means—his purpose is ultimately positive and that is helping him.  I don’t know what ‘Ryan’ has decided because I think ‘Ryan’ is clearly questioning, but I have an idea.  I think that perspective probably does help me in playing the character, but I think overall there’s just a sense of general acceptance for ‘Ryan.’

Since we now know the acting choice Mr. Wood has made as Ryan with regards to why he sees Wilfred the way he does, inquiring minds wanted to know what drew him to the character to begin with. 

EW: Well, upon reading the pilot script I kind of fell in love with the whole idea of the show, both the character and the structure of what this show was being so unique and so unlike anything I’ve seen or read before.  I also found it deeply funny.

As far as the character is concerned I think the idea of playing someone who has effectively hit a wall in his life and is trying to rebuild himself and help himself it definitely provides a lot to work with.  There is a sense of growth over the course of now the three seasons and I think that keeps … excited, but it’s also fun to work in the context of what we’ve created and always exciting to work with Jason.  Aside from the characters in development, I find it inspiring and always exciting as an actor to be working opposite him for everything that he comes up with it sort of inspires me.

Now that FX has premiered the third season of Wilfred, Elijah was asked what sticks out most in his mind about filming the first episode of the show and what initial acting challenges he may have been met with stepping into the unfamiliar role of lead actor on a television show.   

EW: Well, it was completely new territory for me.  I’ve never really worked on a television show before.  I mean I’d kind of done guest appearance and things but I’d never made a show from scratch so it was a brand new experience.  Working on a comedy I found it deeply exciting because it was something that I really believed in and it was exciting to work on something that felt really unique and really different.  

I’d never really worked in comedy before so the idea of playing a character that does—you know there are sort of comedic elements to the performance and not having worked in that space before was definitely challenging.  I suppose I—I’m not really fearful but any time you sort of jump in to something that is a little less familiar it comes with it, you know that sort of exciting anxiety about pulling it off in the right way.  But I think I was also always comforted working with Jason because it always felt so comfortable even initially a working relationship.

Then, Elijah was asked about his impression of Wilfred’s unhealthy relationship with ‘Bear’ (I love Bear) and inquired about his importance to the overall story of the show.

EW: I think ‘Bear’ is an important character for ‘Wilfred.’  The fact that ‘Wilfred’ has an independent relationship that is not reflective of his relationship with ‘Ryan’ adds something to the show and it adds something to ‘Wilfred’s’ own existence.  I mean it’s obvious that it also provides a great amount of comedy because it’s a hilarious relationship that is extremely curious and strange, and it’s also, I think, reflective of that sort of notion of dogs having an obsession with a certain stuffed animal because that happens with dogs.

It sort of works on all those levels, but at the end of the day it’s also just really funny that he’s carrying on these conversations that in some ways also mirror ‘Ryan’ and ‘Wilfred’s’ relationship.  It’s like we never get to see the outside perspective of ‘Ryan’ talking to a dog and in some ways we get to see what that perspective is like…that ‘Wilfred’ is talking to a stuffed animal that can’t talk.  It’s kind of a mirror a little bit to the ‘Wilfred’/’Ryan’ relationship from that outside perspective.

As mentioned earlier, Franck Khalfoun’s Maniac remake is now out. Elijah Wood’s portrayal of Frank truly holds up to the original film. Last year, Wood announced his involvement in a new production company entitled The Woodshed in which their main focus will be horror films. From playing Frodo in Lord Of The Rings to horror movie producer, the question came to Wood about how natural this career evolution is for him.   

EW:  I think everything that I do is reflective of my different interests and the variety of things that I’m passionate about and enjoy.  As it pertains to the production company I, for a long time, wanted to develop films and product films from their inception point and be involved in film making from a different perspective.  As the idea sort of percolated and I ended up meeting my two producing partners.  We were working on an entirely different film that we were developing, and in that process we sort of realized we have a shared mutual love of the horror genre.  It really was just born out of that and wanting to, I don’t know, make horror films; the kind of horror films that we love that aren’t necessarily being as widely made.  But life is a varied experience and I have a lot of interests and I feel very fortunate actually to be allowed to explore those interests, and to be in a place in my life where I can do that.


One thing that is interesting about Elijah Wood, is he has made some rather smart choices with his career thus far. This intellectual element possibly sparked the next question presented to him. He was asked next if he was ever to teach a college course, what it would be an why.

EW:  Wow. God to teach a course, I don’t know I think it would be really fun to teach a music course, you know a course that would sort of focus on music history to a certain degree, mainly 20th Century and sort of bridge the gap for people where the kind of connective tissue is in modern music to older music.  That’s something that I’m fascinated by and it’s definitely a huge part of my listening experience and sort of research experience is discovering older music and seeing its connection to music that we listen to now and understanding kind of its roots.  I think having a class devoted to that to kind of expand upon what we listen to now and sort of make those connections both sort of within our own country and then also internationally I think would be a blast.  It’d be fun to do that.

When asked about the one thing in the past three seasons that seems to have gotten the biggest fan reaction and feedback, Wood didn’t even hesitate with his response. 

EW: The Jane Kaczmarek episode from the first season stands out and that definitely as a little shocking and extremely funny.  Yeah that episode stands out particularly for me the kind of sex montage between what Jane and I are doing, and then what ‘Wilfred’ is doing with the giraffe.  I remember shooting that and thinking, “Wow we’re doing this.  Are we going to get away with this?”  I mean I think I’m constantly surprised at the things that we get away with, and I think it’s part of what makes our show fun to watch too.

Next, the question was asked that proposed if the show would remain just as funny if Wilfred was a different animal. 

EW: Well, I think there is something inherently funny about it being a dog and everything that a dog embodies.  I suppose a cat could work as well, but a dog is also very close to their owner, like that relationship in life, people’s relationship with their dog is a really close relationship.  People have less of a close relationship with a parrot perhaps, although I’m sure somebody who owns a parrot would argue.  The real thing is that this character was literally inspired by a real dog.  Jason, when he initially created the character he was sitting at a friend’s house and his friend was telling him how a maid of theirs had a dog that was basically … blocking him and not letting him be with this other girl.  They just found that so funny and so Jason just kind of riffed as if he was the dog, and that’s when the character was created.  It was really based on—it wasn’t as if he tried to create a character and wanted to put sort of a human perspective on any kind of animal; it was inspired by a real dog who kind of had ‘Wilfred’-like attributes.

And speaking of animals, inquiring minds wanted to know if Elijah Wood ever put the dog costume on himself.

EW: For the first time this year I did it.  It’s funny…I don’t know why I had never tried it on before, and I think I always was curious but there’s something a little bit sacred about the suit is how I felt.  Like maybe respecting Jason’s character and respecting that it’s Jason’s suit that I didn’t ever try it on or wasn’t moved to try it on before.

We actually filmed a little behind the scenes kind of thing this year and Heath…behind the scenes footage, wanted me to put the suit on for a specific thing that we’re doing.  He asked Jason if it was okay and Jason was like, “Yeah it’s fine,” so I got the go ahead, and then that’s why I ultimately tried it on, and it was surreal to kind of see myself in that suit.

We talked about the idea actually of maybe doing a dream sequence.  I mean I love the idea of the tables being flipped a little bit and what if ‘Ryan’ sort of sees himself as—you know suddenly wakes up and he sees himself as ‘Wilfred,’ there’s something there in his sort of exploration of what ‘Wilfred’ is.  Potentially there’s a sort of melding of the two, I don’t know.

Since Season 2 revisited ‘is he or isn’t he crazy’  theme, Elijah Wood was asked if there would be a particular theme stringing Season 3′s episodes together. 

EW: Well, I mean I think every end of season we’ve addressed scenes and elements of the entire season towards the end.  We’ll kind of continue on a sense of searching and questioning so I think we do that.  I think that there are certain things that kind of get a little bit tied up, and then new questions kind of arise out of that.  In that same way that we’ve dealt with this final episode kind of tying up elements of what the characters have been going through we continue that in this season as well.

Wilfred continues its Season 3 run on FX with new episodes every Thursday night at 10pm.


After 7 Years, All The Boys Love Mandy Lane Has Release Date

Posted By on June 24, 2013

Seven years really can feel like an eternity. But after the long wait, Jonathan Levine (Warm Bodies, 50/50) will see his 2006 directorial debut  All The Boys Love Mandy Lane  get the North American theatrical release date it deserves! During its Toronto Film Festival debut all those years ago, an all night auction ended with The Weinstein Company acquiring the title with their $3.5 million bid. The film hit 800 screens but never made it to The US. That’s about to change.

All The Boys Love Mandy Lane stars Amber Heard (Drive Angry) and Anson Mount (Hell On Wheels). The film is about a group of teenagers who invite crush-worthy Mandy Lane to a secluded weekend party. During the festivities, the party goers seem to start mysteriously disappearing one by one.

The film had huge promise and buzz when it screened seven years back but then somehow got lost in the weird no man’s land that exists between the ‘direct to video’ and ‘wide release’ worlds. Then after a horrible test screening, Mandy Lane was sold to Senator Entertainment US, a German-backed film upstart. Their intention was to bring the film to theaters in America. Unfortunately, the company folded before their plans to bring Mandy Lane to theaters came to fruition.

“We’ve always loved Mandy Lane,” Harvey and Bob Weinstein said in a statement. “Radius shares our passion for the film and will get in front of the widest possible audience.”

All The Boys Love Mandy Lane will be released on demand September 6th and in theaters October 11th!


Drafthouse Takes On Crazy ’70s Italian Flick The Visitor

Posted By on June 19, 2013

Today, Drafthouse Films announced the acquisition of North American rights to ’70s phantasmagoric sci-fi/horror/action(/other genre we can’t think of) hybrid The Visitor. Legendary Hollywood director/actor John Huston (The Maltese Falcon, Treasure Of The Sierra Madre) stars as an intergalactic warrior fighting alongside a cosmic Jesus like figure against a demonic eight-year-old girl and her pet hawk (yes you read that right), as the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. A new HD restoration from the original film materials is planned for a theatrical, home video and multi Video On Demand/Digital platform release later in the year.


It was during the dawn of the American blockbusters in the ’70s that European production companies began to emerge stateside, attempting to recreate box office gold by cloning Hollywood. There was the infamous Supreme Court-banned Jaws copy “Great White”The Exorcist-esque “Beyond The Door” and countless others that were packaged for purpose of export as well as intended for the popular drive-in circuit. Producer Ovidio G. Assonitis and Director/Professional Body Builder Michael J. Paradise’s The Visitor stands as perhaps the most ambitious of all, taking its inspiration by artfully mashing together the likes of The Omen, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Rosemary’s Baby, The Birds, The Fury and of course Star Wars. And let’s not forget the cast of the film, which includes Shelley Winters (The Poseidon Adventure, Night Of The Hunter), Glenn Ford (Superman), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Franco Nero (Django) and freakin’ Sam Peckinpah (yes THAT Sam Penkinpah)

The resulting film is not so much a carbon copy, but rather an engaging hallucinatory and inscrutable fusion that repertory cinema programmers around the country have rediscovered for late-night bookings. “Just when you think you’ve nailed down which direction the film is heading in, it completely shatters your notion of the time-space continuum,” says LA art-house The Cinefamily.


Of course, it’s no surprise that when the film was originally released, it received poor reviews across the board from mainstream critics. TV Guide went on record as simply calling it “junk”, but now, it seems Mondo Digital put it best by stating The Visitor is “the Mount Everest of insane ’70s Italian movies”.

“This film is from another time, another place and another wholly different dimension,” says Drafthouse Films Creative Director Evan Husney, “and contains the highest JDPM (jaw-drops-per-minute) ratio out of any movie we have ever encountered. The Visitor is a repertory mainstay at the Alamo Drafthouse and is truly one of the most joyfully delirious theatrical experiences we’ve unleashed on our audiences. The world wasn’t ready for this film in 1979, and it still may not be. Regardless, we are ecstatic to be able to reintroduce cinema’s most colossally bizarro achievement. Ever.”



Oscar Nominated Actor John Hurt Joins FX’s The Strain

Posted By on June 17, 2013

Do we really need more vampires on television? If you ask Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan, the answer would be a resounding yes. FX has previously announced developing the vampire novel trilogy for television. On Monday, two-time Academy Award nominated actor John Hurt (The Elephant Man, Midnight Express) was announced as a heavy hitting addition to the production’s cast. He joins previously announced cast members Corey Stoll, Kevin Durand, Mia Maestro, Richard Sammel, Lauren Lee Smith, Jonathan Hyde and Miguel Gomez.

Mr. Hurt will be stepping into the shoes of holocaust survivor, Professor Abraham Setrakian.  Setrakian runs a pawn shop in Spanish Harlem and as the “vampire outbreak” spreads, he may just be the only person with the answers.  ”I am incredibly happy to be reunited with John, who is one of the greatest actors in the world and one of my favorite people ever,” said del Toro.  “Chuck and I always visualized him while writing The Strain novels and he is absolutely perfect for the part!”

In addition to his Oscar nominations for his performances in both The Elephant Man and Midnight Express, Hurt received numerous BAFTA awards and two Golden Globe nominations.  And if you still can’t put a face to the name, he has appeared in so many amazing films including Hellboy, V for Vendetta, Alien and played Garrick Ollivander in the Harry Potter films.


Now, it’s time to differentiate the difference between this vampire concept and the ones already established on television. The Strain is a high concept thriller that tells the story of Dr. Ephraim Goodweather (Corey Stoll), the head of the Center for Disease Control Canary Team in New York City.  He and his team are called upon to investigate a mysterious viral outbreak that has symptoms reminiscent of an evil strain of vampirism.  When Goodweather realizes that this isn’t some new bio terror weapon, but something much older and outside the reach of science, he teams with Abraham to fight back.  Soon, a plague of hungry intelligent vampires overtake New York. Thusly, Goodweather, Abraham and a rag tag crew form as a resistance of sorts – fighting monsters in the streets and in their homes as the future of humanity is at stake.

Del Toro and Hogan penned the novels and  will co-write the pilot script for The Strain, with del Toro attached to direct.  Also on board as executive producer is Carlton Cuse  (Lost, Bates Motel). Mr. Cuse will helm as showrunner if the pilot goes to series.  Production is set to begin in September 2013 in Toronto, Canada.

Since we don’t have a trailer yet, here’s something that was made inspired by the books.

What do you think? With a new Dracula series coming to NBC and True Blood still going strong on HBO, do we have room for another vampire themed show on television? From the graphic novels imagery, these vampires definitely look like vicious beasts! Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!


The Twilight Zone: The Complete 3rd Season Is Coming To DVD!

Posted By on June 13, 2013

Last week, Season two of The Twilight Zone finally made it’s way to DVD and it was announced on Thursday that The Complete Third Season of Rod Serling’s groundbreaking series will make its way to DVD on July 9, 2013 at the pretty darn reasonable price of $29.98 (because $29.99 is just too pricey?). The guest stars featured in Season 3 are pretty awesome and include Rod Serling (obviously), Robert Redford, Carol Burnett, Cliff Robertson, Charles Bronson, Leonard Nimoy, Elizabeth Montgomery, Dean Stockwell and Bill Mumy.

The Twilight Zone remains television’s most treasured anthology program and pretty much the only worth while thing to watch on television during Thanksgiving break! It’s the brainchild of writer and narrator Rod Serling and was inspired by the pulp comics, novels and sci-fi films of his youth. The series premiered on October 2, 1959 and its influence can still be felt throughout popular culture to this day. Hell, it’s pretty safe to say we would have never had The Outer Limits, Tales From The Crypt or The Creepshow films without The Twilight Zone.

All 37 episodes of the third season are featured in this set, including some recognizable favorites: The Gift, Two, The Shelter, The Mirror, The Grave, It’s a Good Life, Deaths-Head Revisited, The Midnight Sun, Still Valley, The Jungle, Once Upon a Time, Five Characters in Search of an Exit, A Quality of Mercy, One More Pallbearer, Nothing in the Dark, The Hunt, Dead Man’s Shoes, Showdown with Rance McGrew, A Piano in the House, The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank, To Serve Man, The Fugitive, Little Girl Lost, Person or Persons Unknown, The Little People and Four.

What more is there to say? The Twilight Zone: The Complete Third Season is coming to DVD on July 9th! So go get it, or be wished into the cornfield!



24 Reboot Brings On Jon Cassar To Exec Produce And Direct!

Posted By on June 12, 2013


Oh man! You guys! The Jack Bauer Power Hour is returning to Fox and Howard Gordon (exec prod for 24 & Homeland)  is surely winning a place in my heart. The upcoming event series, 24: Live Another Day, now has Jon Cassar signed on to executive produce and direct multiple episodes. For those of you die hard fans out there, this is a very smart move for Fox as Mr. Cassar  produced and directed on the series from Season 2 through 7.  The two time Emmy Award winning director helmed a total 59 episodes, including the  24: Redemption TV movie which also won him a DGA Award for the series.

“I’m very happy to be renewing my relationship with the 20th Century Fox TV and Imagine family and am excited to call ‘action!’ again on the set of the resurrected 24,” said Cassar. “Considering I was not involved in (the final) Season 8, this new 24 event series gives me the chance for closure on a show that is very important to me.” And important to the fans, Jon! For anyone who has followed the trials and tribulations of Jack Bauer over the last decade, Season 8 was a weak departure for such a strong character that pretty much put put Kiefer Sutherland back on the map. And with the lackluster audience response for Fox’s show Touch, this reboot couldn’t come at a better time.

Gordon put in his two cents, “Jon was a profoundly integral part of 24 creatively and culturally. It doesn’t feel like it would be 24 without him, and we’re all just really thrilled to be working with him again.” Jon Cassar is joining Howard Gordon and David Fury in returning to the 24 world. Gary Newman, chair of 20th Century Fox TV, chimed in: “Jon Cassar was a critical force in the ongoing evolution of 24. He is a masterful director who has been responsible for many of the best episodes of the series, and Kiefer, Howard, and all of us at the studio value him enormously. We are thrilled to have him back.”

Several other familiar faces are currently in talks to possibly return, including Bob Cochran, Evan Katz and Manny Coto. Here’s hoping Fox will soon announce Mary Lynn Rajskub’s return as well, because honestly…what’s Jack Bauer without Chloe O’Brien?

24: Live Another Day will premiere it’s 12 episode run on Fox in May of 2014!


The 2013 TCA Nominations Are In!

Posted By on June 10, 2013

The Television Critics Association announced on Monday its 2013 award nominations. FX’s smash hit The Americans leads the pack with four nominations and AMC’s Breaking Bad is hot on their tail with three. NBC’s Parks And Recreation and Fox’s New Girl both have two noms each. It’s also worth noting Sundance Channel’s new series Rectify and Top Of The Lake have received some much deserved recognition.

It also looks like it’ll be a tough bout among the actors and actresses nominated for Individual Achievement in Drama. The front runners, in this writer’s mind, are Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Tatiana Maslany (Oprhan Black) and Matthew Rhys (The Americans). Rounding out the nominations in this category are Vera Farmiga (Bates Motel) and Monica Potter (Parenthood).

While Claire Danes was not nominated for individual performance, Homeland has received a nod for Outstanding Achievement in Drama. Giving the series a run for their money is Game of Thrones,  Mad Men, The Americans and Breaking Bad. 

Let’s not forget those who make us laugh! The nominees for Individual Achievement in Comedy are Lena Dunham (Girls), Jake Johnson (New Girl), Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Veep), Amy Poehler (Parks and Recreation) and the current reigning champion (cuz he won last year, duh) Louie star Louis C.K.

In addition to the nominations for this past year’s programming, the TCA Awards bestow a Heritage Award trophy to one long-standing program that has culturally or socially impacted society. This year, the TCA members have nominated some of TV’s most memorable series with CBS’s All In the Family,  ABC’s LOST and Twin Peaks, and NBC’s Saturday Night Live and Star Trek.

The organization also presents a Career Achievement Award to an individual who has influenced television through his or her work on the small screen. Nominees include producer/writer James L. Brooks, director/producer James Burrows, late-night talk show host Jay Leno, actor William Shatner, and reporter/anchorwoman Barbara Walters.

The winners of the 29th Annual TCA Awards will be announced on Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

Check out the full list of nominees below:

Individual Achievement in Drama
Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
Vera Farmiga, Bates Motel
Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black
Monica Potter, Parenthood
Matthew Rhys, The Americans

Individual Achivement in Comedy
Louis C.K., Louie
Lena Dunham, Girls
Jake Johnson, New Girl
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep
Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation

Outstanding Achievement in Drama
The Americans, FX
Breaking Bad, AMC
Game of Thrones, HBO
Homeland, Showtime
Mad Men, AMC

Outstanding Achievement in Comedy
The Big Bang Theory, CBS
Louie, FX
New Girl, FOX
Parks and Recreation, NBC
Veep, HBO

Outstanding Movie, Miniseries or Special
American Horror Story: Asylum, FX
Behind the Candelabra, HBO
Downton Abbey, PBS
Rectify, Sundance Channel
Top of the Lake, Sundance Channel

News and Information
Anderson Cooper 360, CNN
Central Park Five, PBS
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Comedy Central
Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC
60 Minutes, CBS

Outstanding Achievement in Reality Programming
The Amazing Race, CBS
The Glee Project, Oxygen
Shark Tank, ABC
Survivor, CBS
The Voice, NBC

Outstanding Achievement in Youth Programming
Adventure Time, Cartoon Network
Bunheads, ABC Family
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, PBS
Sesame Street, PBS
Switched at Birth, ABC Family

New Program
The Americans, FX
Elementary, CBS
House of Cards, Netflix
The Mindy Project, FOX
Orphan Black, BBC America

Career Achievement Award
James L. Brooks
James Burrows
Jay Leno
William Shatner
Barbara Walters

The Heritage Award
All in the Family
Saturday Night Live
Star Trek
Twin Peaks

Program of the Year
The Americans, FX
Breaking Bad, AMC
Game of Thrones, HBO
House of Cards, Netflix
The Walking Dead, AMC


Profile: Aaron Pruner

By the time he was 11 years old, Aaron had seen The Exorcist twice, was obsessed with Freddy Krueger and had the TV Guide memorized. Television and horror films have been an obsession since. Also an actor, Aaron has appeared in over 20 commercials and was once a series regular on The Power Rangers sister show Saban's VR Troopers. He has contributed words to MTV Movies Blog, Icons Of Fright, Screen Invasion and Dread Central. Favorite TV Show: Breaking Bad | Favorite Horror Film: The Shining | Twitter: @aaronflux