Bill & Ted Go to Hell #3 (of 4)
Writer: Brian Joines
Artist: Bachan
Bill & Ted will have to team up with Satan to take down the Easter Bunny and his master—who are heading straight for the holy of all holies: Heaven! It’s time for Joan of Arc to live up to her calling and kick some evil butt!
Strange Fruit #3 (of 4)
Writers: J.G. Jones & Mark Waid
Artist: J.G. Jones
The townspeople of Chatterlee make every effort to conscript the stranger to help with the fast-failing levee—but the growing racial divide in town makes choosing sides virtually impossible even as the clock ticks towards disaster.
Cluster TP
Writer: Ed Brisson
Artist: Damian Couceiro
What’s to Love: Sons of Anarchy collaborators Ed Brisson (Sheltered, Batman & Robin Eternal) and Damian Couceiro (Murder Book) are no strangers to rich, flawed characters with criminal backgrounds. This time they’re taking to the stars in this futuristic, sci-fi adventure filled with old-school, hard-boiled action.
What It Is: In the distant future, as mankind discovers life on other planets, it needs soldiers to defend its colonies across the stars. In order to increase the number of boots on the ground, criminals are offered the opportunity to serve in the place of incarceration. When a rag-tag group of prisoners become stranded on a war-torn planet, they’ll need to work together to survive and uncover the truth behind Earth’s role in deep space. Collects the complete limited series, issues #1-8.
The Fiction TP
Writer: Curt Pires
Artist: David Rubín
What’s to Love: Written by Curt Pires (POP, Mayday) and illustrated by David Rubín (Battling Boy: The Rise of Aurora West), The Fiction is a fountain of fascinating ideas about a group of childhood friends who discover that the past will always come back to find you.
What It Is: Four childhood friends discover a box of strange books that, when read aloud, can transport them to the beautiful, imaginary worlds described within. But when one of them goes missing, the others vow never to reveal where they’ve been and what they’ve seen. Years later, when one of the remaining kids, now an adult, also mysteriously disappears, it’s up to the last two of the group to dig up their dusty books to find him and finally figure out what happened to their friend all those years ago. Collects the complete miniseries.
Escape from New York Vol. 2 TP
Writer: Christopher Sebela
Artist: Diego Barreto
After making it out alive through the madhouse of Florida, Snake Plissken gets tossed out of a plane into a raging battlefield in Siberia. Continuing the story that picks up right where the classic film left off, writer Christopher Sebela (Welcome Back, High Crimes) and artist Diego Barreto (Irredeemable) drop the classic antihero into the middle of a brand-new Cold War. Collects issues #5-8.
Over the Garden Wall #1
Imprint: KaBOOM!
Writers: Jim Campbell, Danielle Burgos, Amalia Levari
Artists: Jim Campbell, Cara McGee
What’s to Love: Pat McHale’s Over the Garden Wall aired as Cartoon Network’s first-ever original animated miniseries and has continued gathering fans ever since. The great response to our one-shot and follow-up limited series prompted us to return to the eerie Unknown for more stories in this new, ongoing series! We’re thrilled to have Jim Campbell returning to join forces with fellow show writer Amalia Levari and artist Cara McGee for two original stories in each issue.
What It Is: Over the Garden Wall is now an ongoing series! In this kickoff issue, Wirt and Greg might have escaped the Beast’s grasp and made it out of the Unknown, but some things can’t be forgotten. Greg returns to Dreamland at night, where the silly creatures who live there help him on his adventures. Then, dive back into the early days in the Unknown where young Anna, the daughter of the Woodsman, must learn to survive in the woods on her own.
Uncle Grandpa 2016 Good Morning Special #1
Imprint: KaBOOM!
Writers: Yehudi Mercado, Jimmy Giegerich, Jeremy Hansen, Philip Murphy, Evgeny Yakovlev, Andreas Schuster
Artists: Yehudi Mercado, Jimmy Giegerich, Jeremy Hansen, Philip Murphy, Evgeny Yakovlev, Andreas Schuster
What’s to Love: We can never get enough of everyone’s favorite uncle and grandpa and his extraordinary friends like Pizza Steve and Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, so we’ve assembled a rad crew of writers and artists to put together some of their best short stories of unpredictable wackiness and crazy adventures!
What It Is: Good morning! From the wacky minds of mad scientist creators, explore the oversized chaos and wonder of tigers farting rainbows, wizards trying to return long-forgotten VHS tapes, and professional wrestling between a pizza with shades and a dinosaur man. If you’re a fan of the Cartoon Network series, don’t miss out on this Uncle Grandpa special issue!
Peanuts #32
Imprint: KaBOOM!
Writers: Charles M. Schulz, Jason Cooper
Artists: Charles M. Schulz, Donna Almendrala
Snoopy is named a finalist for the Daisy Hill Puppy Cup Award!
Munchkin #16
Imprint: BOOM! Box
Writer: Will Hindmarch, Derek Fridolfs
Artist: Len Peralta, Derek Fridolfs
Spyke and Flower are on a dungeon crawl—roaming dungeons and crypts throughout the land to see how many dungeons they can loot in a single night.