Did you see those Captain Marvel pictures?  The Dazzling Duo certainly saw them, and they discuss all the Captain Marvel goodness, along with other movie and TV news, and a bit of panel news from the upcoming New York Comic-Con.

Topics discussed in this episode include:
  • The reason behind the blue and green Captain Marvel costume.
  • A familiar face from Star Wars playing a Skrull.
  • The possibility of the next Spider-Man movie as a prequel to Infinity War.
  • The 40th anniversary of Superman: The Movie.
  • Wile E Coyote getting his own movie.
  • The list of superhero movies coming out in 2019.
  • A casting update for the Doom Patrol series.
  • A casting update for season 2 of Black Lightning.
  • Walking Dead in real life.
  • An update on the Game Of Thrones prequel.
  • A listing of the Marvel panels at New York Comic-Con.
  • A listing of the Dreamworks panels at New York Comic-Con.