The Magicians dials everyone in and delivers, in episode 11 of season 4: ‘The 4-1-1’. The following, as per usual, contains SPOILERS!
This week’s episode title, ‘The 4-1-1’, aside from being a literal descriptor, is well chosen, as the plot here draws the disparate threads together and dishes out all the relevant information to everyone. This catches all the different groups up and sows the seeds for moving towards a season conclusion together. Exactly what that conclusion will be is still up in the air a bit, as new mysteries unfold, even at this late stage. It’s a bit of a plateau episode, but in the best way, as we all take a breath before the next headlong dive into serious consequential events.

To me therefore, it felt like this episode was a good chance to relax into the old group dynamic a little and explore the friendships, both new and old, with a tone borrowed from the earlier seasons. The new element of this is the growing romance between Penny (Arjun Gupta) and Julia (Stella Maeve), which we wouldn’t have imagined a couple of years ago. Admittedly, he is a different Penny, but nonetheless it’s interesting. On the old side of this, Margo (Summer Bishil) is back in the fold on Earth and not powering her way through Fillory, which is a good chance for some knowing humour in the reunion.

Another welcome story here is the examination of where Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and Q (Jason Ralph) have ended up, and how far they have travelled from the beginning of their relationship. Thankfully, the device used for this, a time travel side-line, makes sense in terms of the plot and doesn’t jar in any way. It’s interesting to see the contrast in the relationship played out so starkly, with both Alice and Q finding difficulty, and possibly a little solace with the experience. This is very well played by Dudley and Ralph, who bring great authenticity to the scenes.
The main thrust of this episode though is ostensibly the formation of the plan to imprison the Monster (Hale Appleman) using Margo’s ice axes and the glass bottles from her desert adventure. From this all the other stories branch off, but it really isn’t the true focus. Much to The Magicians credit there is, as per usual, such a wealth of quality side plots, that we can happily spend time immersed in each of those for a long time. The traditional A, B, and C plot idea doesn’t entirely apply.

For instance, alongside the main events on Earth, Josh (Trevor Einhorn), Fen (Brittany Curran), and Pickwick (Rizwan Manji), kick off another twist by discovering a potentially catastrophic evil plan being hatched underneath Fillory. This gives us some joyous, classic Magicians dialogue, but using a trio that haven’t really been a full ‘questing group’. My suspicion is that this side plot will link with Everett (Brian Markinson) and what the Library is up to. As the last few episodes have revealed, there is quite a lot being hidden by the library, and this new direction in Fillory is potentially a great angle to tie it together. At the very least we will get some fantastic scenes with this group.
Less jolly is Julia getting put through the ringer once again. On one hand Alice has come through for her by finding the binder (which turns out to be Matt Frewer!), but on the other hand, her path is not going to be easy! This is doubly so when the Monster returns after finding that the body he procured for his sister may not be strong enough, and takes Julia. Sadly, this may also mean that we don’t get to see Magda Apanowicz again, even though she would be a great addition to the show in the Kady/Marina mold.

Luckily, we are not deprived of good Kady (Jade Tailor) scenes this week, as she is helping Zelda (Mageina Tovah) break into the Poison Room in the Library, against her better judgement. This is, in theory, so they can get a jump on Everett by reading his book, but things never quite work out for them. What does work is the pairing of Tovah and Tailor though, and it’s interesting to see Kady in such conservative attire, and in an unusual role. You do wonder where this particular escapade will take them, as the last person from our group of heroes to enter the room, perished because of it! Will this lead to who was in the elevator in front of Penny 40? What other information is yet to come?
Despite those questions, this episode does indeed gives us quite a lot of information and sets things up nicely for the last couple of shows in the season. There’s lots of little nods to the past and elements like Hyman (Dustin Ingram) cropping which are amusing extras. As always seems to be the case, our high expectations are met, but with a twist we weren’t quite expecting. The Magicians never fails to be quick witted, and skilfully crafted.