Morrison sought to write the last word on the DC universe, and the last word on the superhero genre. He uses the turning off of the lights and then turning them back on again to demonstrate the unlimited possibilities and artistic importance of the superhero genre, showing the latent unlimited possibility of the DCU. It’s such an inspiring starting point for a New DC universe …
In PART ONE of my interview with Will Brooker, creator of the buzz-worthy My So-Called Secret Identity, he discussed his experiences leading up to beginning his own comic endeavor and began introducing us to Cat Adams, its remarkable superheroine-to-be. Since that interview appeared over the weekend, the first issue was published online (you can find it HERE).
Now, back to the interview…
Sometimes, when it comes to love, people just cannot help themselves and keep falling for the same type of person again and again. Some like brunettes with glasses, others a …
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For Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man, their parents’ and surrogate parents’ deaths are integral to their origins. Daredevil too. Robin’s origin was a deliberate reflection of Batman’s own. For most others, their parents simply remained absent, as unexplained as the heroes’ shoe sizes, until later writers explained those absences away. At Dallas Comic-Con, Stan Lee and John Romita, Jr. shared their thoughts on the super orphans.
Ghost Rider creator Gary Friedrich not only lost his lawsuit against Marvel Comics, having alleged the powerhouse comic book company failed to register the character properly upon first appearance, …
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