2013 has already seen some pretty huge films hit the cinema screens of the world. Iron Man 3, Star Trek Into Darkness and Man Of Steel have seemed to …
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Invisibility: the wet dream of military scientists, voyeurs, and thieves everywhere. But, is it really a blessing, a great disguise, and a solution to incurable ugliness? H.G. Wells apparently didn’t think so when he explored the phenomenon and its impact on human life in his novella The Invisible Man.
The GOLIATH is the gigantic robot now guarding Derleth State Penitentiary. Derleth used to be awful; some would have called it hell on earth. The convicts were dangerous, with factions …
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When a film involves events that would seem more at home in a comic book, the style of the film has a big bearing on how it plays out. Going with the ‘found footage’ style brings an inherent danger with it, will be too much of distraction? Will it be messy and hard to know whats going on? Or will be a superbly crafted, intelligent and excellent film – lucky for us, it is the latter
Star Trek Into Darkness isn’t a bad movie, but it’s not great either; it does satisfy the criteria for those new to the franchise, those whose first experience with Star Trek was the 2009 film. The film is sleek, has chase scenes, shootouts, and big explosions. It’s a high-octane thrill ride and it’s funny, but it lacks the soul that makes Star Trek special.
In Neal Stephenson’s seminal geek novel Cryptonomicon, a group of hackers, D&Ders, zaibatsu heads and treasure hunters struggle to establish a data haven in the Pacific island of …
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