

Review: Bitch Planet #1


This is Network, Sidney Lumet and Paddy Chayefsky’s 1976 film, nominated for 10 Academy Awards and winning 4 in 1977. Network is, to our eyes, as bleak as a film …
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Movie Review: In Bruges (2008)
3 years ago

Movie Review: In Bruges (2008)

By  •  Movies
In Bruges (2008)

In Bruges is an original tale of a dark, comedic love story in three acts. The love story is delightfully not an expected one. However: there’s a divide that’s hard to ignore: does knowing the punch line before the end enhance a bleak comedy, or not? It’s a tough call.

Movie Review: Mon Oncle (1958)
3 years ago

Movie Review: Mon Oncle (1958)

By  •  Movies

While American films contained some comedy greats in the early part of the twentieth century, such as Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Laurel and Hardy, and Charlie Chaplin, France also produced a great of their own: Jacques Tati. Although he only produced a relatively short list of feature films …

Bookworms: Redshirts (2012) by John Scalzi

By  •  Books

They exist to die. The nameless drone, the faceless soldier, the girl who doesn’t have a name, the guy who isn’t in the credits – we’ve all seen them, and forgotten about them just as quickly. They must exist, albeit briefly, for us the audience to care about the leading women and men of what we are watching, or reading. Expendable characters prove why the story exists.
