
Pictures for Sad Children

John Campbell’s Sad Pictures for Children Kickstarter Drama
4 years ago

John Campbell’s Sad Pictures for Children Kickstarter Drama

By  •  Comics
oh god

Author behind the dark humored webcomic is threatening to burn remaining Kickstarter orders of the hardcover collection. On the latest Kickstarter update, Campbell posted a long and mostly incoherent post about how the world views “value.”

Webcomic Roundup: Dear Dinosaur, Xombee Guy, and more!
5 years ago

Webcomic Roundup: Dear Dinosaur, Xombee Guy, and more!

By  •  Comics

Webcomics are ever present on the internet, with new ones popping up literally every day. With the vast selection, it’s often hard to find a few or even one comic that you can enjoy. That’s where the Webcomic Roundup comes in. This week, five comics for your perusal: Dear Dinosaur, Xombee Guy, Scandinavia and the World, Pictures for Sad Children, and Nothing is Forgotten.
