Mark Waid’s Thrillbent Welcomes Moth City

| May 14, 2013

Moth City

Mark Waid and Thrillbent welcome Tim Gibson and Moth City to the site as the newest digital comic. Moth City was first posted by Gibson starting in October 2012. After several months of hard work and great content, Gibson is excited to partner with Waid in this next stage of the comic.

Pires, Villalobos Go Digital, Pay-What-You-Want with LP

| April 24, 2013


In a move that might’ve been inspired by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin’s The Private Eye, Curt Pires and Ramon Villalobos have released their one-shot comic LP digitally, DRM-free, and for pay-what-you-want. It’s a chance for new readers to read a sold-out, self-published comic from great creators for whatever the reader feels is just.

Metaphase: A Comic Inspired By Those Born With Down Syndrome

| March 22, 2013


Alterna Comics is proud to announce the upcoming graphic novel METAPHASE from new writer Chip Reece and artist Kelly Williams. METAPHASE is a story about self discovery and living with Down Syndrome, wrapped in an exciting super-hero shell! Originally announced as part of World Down Syndrome Awareness Day (3/21/13) as a way to help raise awareness [...]