Strip Search 1.21: Winning is Lined with Awesome

| May 14, 2013


I have to admit I particularly enjoyed this table tennis ep a lot more than last week’s snooze fest. Learning how doubles is played was interesting, notably that each player must alternate hitting the ball. If any one teammate hits the ball twice in a row, it’s point for the other team.

Strip Search 1.20: It’s Paddlin’ Time

| May 9, 2013

Tavis and Katie, ballin

Day 7 begins! Graham tells the six remaining artists to pack their bags and load up. it’s another physical challenge. Robert Khoo, the reigning Penny Arcade table tennis champ, greets everyone and explains the importance of the sport to the inner workings of the Penny Arcade mega-machine. Which, yes, it’s totally true, but come on, could we please see some more art?

Strip Search 1.9: The Naughty Mysteries (TM)

| May 7, 2013

Tavis wins, Abby stays, Erika poops the bucket.

So, in the midpoint of the show, Tavis selected Erika and Abby for the dungeon draw after winning the Just The Tips challenge. He had good reasons, but it was we who were rewarded with entertainment of the purest kind.

Strip Search 1.18: Trolling for Tips

| May 3, 2013

Tavis wins, and Robert Khoo gets a +15 to his next troll roll.

After the quietly entertaining Strip Search Grand Prix racing, the elimination challenged zoomed forward as the artists went back to the  merchandise booths they’d set up the day prior. There they find out that they’ll be sketching for tips. Put out the organ grinder and monkey, folks! Kris Straub author/artist of Broodhollow and is [...]

Strip Search 1.17: The Artists [Sort Of] Go All Out

| April 29, 2013

The remaining seven.

Day 6 of Strip Search from Penny Arcade TV begins less one highly competitive person. Just as each of the five previous days have started, so does this one also begin with a social game: Grand Prix go-cart racing!

Strip Search 1.16: We Will Smooth This Strip Out

| April 25, 2013

The bigger strip doesn

“Mermaids and ukuleles, what could go wrong?” Mike, after Maki and Amy have pulled this week’s elimination’s topics. There’s been some excitement about this elimination pairing, and yet, while the strips were good, they were a bit of a letdown. Plus, it was interesting that Maki chose not to use his Redraw Ticket.

Strip Search 1.14: In Which Amy Maximum Stresses

| April 24, 2013

Is that a bird? A plane? What the eff... it's Lexxy!

To say the folks in the Strip House were surprised as Lexxy walks through the door instead of Mac or Nick would be accurate. More interestingly is Amy’s reaction. She needs a Maki Pineapple. Or three. Stat.

Strip Search 1.15: From Merc to Merch

| April 23, 2013

So much stuffs.

From sculpting to merchandising we head into day five’s elimination challenge. And really, the two activities aren’t all that dissimilar: create the best looking thing you can with the tools you have. Sounds easy. It’s not. Trust me. Graham ominously intoned “We’ll be doing a little bit of a road trip which means I need [...]

Strip Search 1.13: Nobody Wins, Except Somebody Does

| April 17, 2013

I laughed out loud with my actual face, too.

Tuesday we were left wondering who Erika would put up for elimination as the show chose not to let us in on why until today’s episode. Why was made plainly clear at the end of the art-off. Nick and Mac were sent to the dungeon for having some of the weaker pieces in the WotC [...]

Strip Search 1.12: Ignite Your Spark… of Skateboard Magic?

| April 11, 2013

Design a skateboard deck, gamer punks.

NICELY PLAYED, STRIP SEARCH, NICELY PLAYED. Readers, you’ll understand the angsty caps and why I was muttering irritated epithets at the screen after you watch. Today’s elimination challenge was a fantastic example of how artists often supplement their income: freelance work. Michael Gills and Elaine Chase, Marketing manager and Brand director of Magic The Gathering [...]

Strip Search 1.11: Street Art of a Contest Kind

| April 8, 2013

Here are your tools. Good luck.

Day four begins and it’s time to torture the artists anew! The fourth social challenge was underwhelming; only three art pieces get created and there are nine folks left – I want to see more singular work.  That being said, it was great seeing the nine remaining artists do another team challenge – and pull [...]

Strip Search 1.10: I Will NOT Set This On Fire

| April 4, 2013

The areola face.

Both artists worked until the very last second of the clock. When they were told to put their pens down, there was actual applause and laughter from Mike, Jerry, and the other Penny Arcade employees present. Intense! With Tavis and Lexxy in the shame hole, Mike and Jerry mulled over the two strips. Mike almost in tears, Jerry not convinced either way, neither being able to truly decide who should go.