The Seven Deadly Sins has often been a source of inspiration for creative projects, from films, paintings, books, and many others besides. The few months of enforced isolation we’ve had recently is also a perfect Petri dish to watch stresses and insecurities, and these sins, come to the fore in most people. Except for us introverts of course, who hardly notice the difference! It’s therefore fitting that they should be the basis for a new seven part short film collection, written and starring Billie Vee (Testing Greta, Gentrification, Two Persons Max), entitled Sins of Solitude.

Directed by Abbie Lucas (Some Sketches in a Shed, Testing Greta), each five minute episode documents one of the sins using video calls set in a dystopian, isolated future. Generally, the order these come in isn’t that relevant, so these episodes can be watched randomly, although in this case the episodes do build to a crescendo with Wrath and Lust being the last two.

The format is essentially a Skype call between the main character Boo (Billie Vee), a children’s book author, and a friend or relative, which ends up revolving around the particular sin. This obviously leans into the limitations that most people have had during the lockdown, so each actor has been filmed in their own location, and has clearly dealt with the camera and audio themselves. This gives it an authenticity, and almost automatic production sound design choice, which has then been augmented after the fact. Similarly, the visuals have been adapted and added to in unique ways based on the episode. From the resounding beeps in Wrath, added on screen hearts in Lust, to the Instagram styling of Pride, each one has its own feel, but retains the common link.

Part of that common link is obviously Boo, who is an amusing character and it would be interesting to read the children’s books she writes if it were possible! There is an innate humour that works very well throughout, and much of it is centred on her life. The supporting cast, which includes Christian Vit (Holby City), Pano Masti (Love Sarah, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey), Shamir Dawood (Relationshit, Eastenders), Vincent Jerome (The Few), Emmanuela Lia, Cherise Silvestri (Close, All the Money In The World), and Hayley Marie-Axe (Red Dwarf, Vice Squad: NYC), is strong too, who all hold their own in their individual episodes.

There are many things that people could have been doing in this enforced lockdown, and many have had to find new ways of working. This is an excellent solution to the problem, and was a good use of both some extra time and an unwanted limitation. Whatever your experience has been in the past few months, something here will definitely resonate.
You can watch the series HERE.