IDW is releasing a new ongoing series for fan/cult-favorite character Judge Dredd. So far, it looks like this will be one interesting ride. Judge Dredd #1 starts off with Dredd waking up in a grassy field. If you’re a fan of Judge Dredd, then you already know that something is already wrong. It doesn’t take Dredd long before he has to dispense some justice, in the only way he knows how, but now he’s kind of stuck with 3 kids and “Judge Dad” is born.


Retailer Incentive Wraparound Cover (Artwork by Paul Hanley, Colors by Simon Gough)

Now, before the unwarranted hate pours in, let me explain. That whole “Judge Dad” thing is not IDW’s way of altering our-beloved, violent Judge Dredd into some “family-friendly” character. Oh, far from it. That’s just a result of something the kids, who Dredd arrests and one of which has a penchant for taking Eyeballs, say because one of the gags is that they keep saying his name wrong. This book is violent, as any Judge Dredd title should be, and is a solid kickoff for the series. I’m definitely interested in the mystery behind his current situation and how it involves the last case he was working on. The creative team of Ulises Farinas, Erick Freitas, Dan McDaid, and Ryan Hill do an excellent job of bringing Judge Dredd to life and taking it towards a different, yet familiar (Justice!), direction. I’m definitely looking forward to reading this series.