Big Bang KPop

Looking for picture representations of the Big Bang, I got pictures of the KPop band. Thanks, Internet.

Happy New Year!

2015 looks to be the beginning of not just a new year, but also a new start for some of us here at NerdSpan.

For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Dan Yun and I am the Editor of the Movies section here at NerdSpan. Now, due to the success and new opportunities of our founder, Dr.Travis Langley, he has passed the torch onto me. So, on top of my duties as the Editor of the Movies section, I am the new Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of NerdSpan. If you prefer, you can refer to me as the H.N.I.C., Head-Nerd-In-Charge. Dr. Langley will still be around, in the shadows like Batman, but acting more in an advisory role, like the Yoda to my Skywalker. Being new to this position, I thank him for this opportunity, the advice he has given me, and the future advice I’m sure to need. Everyone here at NerdSpan would like to thank Dr. Langley for everything he has done and the opportunities that he has given us. Thank you, good sir!

Another update to the staffing at NerdSpan is the replacement of our Comics Editor, Mara Wood. Not because she performed badly (in fact, she is awesome and kicked so much butt in her role), but because she is moving on to bigger and better things. I, and everyone here at NerdSpan, wish Mara all the best in her new endeavors. Not to worry, dear readers. Mara has left the Comics section in good hands. I would like to introduce you to the new Comics Editor, Keith Hendricks. He has some big shoes to fill, but he is definitely up for the job. I know he’ll make Mara and the rest of us proud.

Unfortunately, dear readers, I cannot tell you about what others changes will happen here at NerdSpan this year, only because I don’t know the full extent of what we’re going to do or where we are headed. (Just kidding. I have a good idea of where I want to take NerdSpan. Shhhhhh.) Just know that we will continue to give you quality articles and the only direction we plan on heading is in a positive one. So, am I asking you to blindly trust us and have faith in taking this ride with us? Yes. Is it scarier for us than you, dear reader? Oh, yeah. Is it gonna be fun? Absolutely.