One of the best buys this week is the Oni Press Starter Pack 2016, which includes seven of Oni’s most popular number one issues. The other great buy this week, based on sheer entertainment value, will no doubt be Rick and Morty #12.
Additionally, if you missed Rick and Morty #1, here’s your chance to get it, but you may want to call ahead to the comic shop so that variant collectors don’t snatch up the 5th printing before you can.
Official previews:
Writers: Cullen Bunn, Charles Soule, Joshua Hale Fialkov, Zander Cannon, Greg Rucka
Artists: Brian Hurtt, Alberto Jiménez Alburquerque, Joe Infurnari, Zander Cannon, Justin Greenwood, Joëlle Jones, Gabo
Colorists: Brian Hurtt, Guy Major, Joe Infurnari, Ryan Hill, Zander Cannon, Nick Filardi, Gabo
Age Range: 16 and up
Genre: Western, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Adventure… pretty much a little bit of everything!
Price: $5.99
The Oni Press Starter Pack 2016 collects seven complete first issues from Oni Press’s acclaimed creator-owned series. Try out new titles or reconnect with your favorites in one giant-sized volume for one low price.
What’s Inside:
Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt’s THE SIXTH GUN #1
Charles Soule, Alberto Jiménez Alburquerque and Guy Major’s LETTER 44 #1
Joshua Hale Fialkov and Joe Infurnari’s double-sized THE BUNKER #1
Zander Cannon’s KAIJUMAX #1
Greg Rucka, Justin Greenwood, and Ryan Hill’s STUMPTOWN #1
Cullen Bunn, Joëlle Jones, and Nick Filardi’s HELHEIM #1
Joshua Hale Fialkov and Gabo’s THE LIFE AFTER #1
Writer: Zac Gorman
Artists: CJ Cannon with Ryan Hill and Marc Ellerby
Cover Artist: Rian Sygh
Age Range: 15 and up
Genre: Humor
Price: $3.99
Join degenerate superscientist Rick Sanchez as he embarks on all-new insane adventures with his awkward grandson Morty, his teenage granddaughter Summer, his veterinary surgeon daughter Beth, and his hapless son-in-law Jerry. In this issue: Part One of “The Wubba Lubba Dub Dub of Wall Street”!
Why It’s Neat:
- Features a new cover illustrated by Rian Sygh!
What people are saying:
- 9 OUT OF 10 REVIEW: “Bottom line, if you love the show, you’ll love the comic, and if you’ve never watched the show, [Rick and Morty #1] will make you want to run out and buy the DVDs as soon as you are humanly able. Oni Press has struck gold with Rick and Morty #1. […] Sitcoms are always tricky for comics to really take to, but the breathless insanity and solid emotional core of Rick and Morty may be the latest one that the medium embraces and takes to a whole other crop of fans. To sum it all up, WUB A LUB A DUB DUUUUB!” Newsarama
- 8 OUT OF 10 REVIEW: “Zac Gorman here thankfully understands the characters and style; nothing will seem out of the ordinary for fans of the show. All the characters seem to have the same voice (Morty’s wide eyed questioning, Rick’s irascible attitude and unpredictable nature along with father Jerry’s ego in the face of his innate mediocrity) here. […] Art wise the book perfectly recreates the design of the show. This goes for the character design (even the style for new characters and aliens) and the backgrounds.” Comic Buzz
- 8 OUT OF 10 REVIEW: “If you are a fan of the Rick and Mortythe TV show, there is no reason you won’t be a fan of this comic” Weird Science
- “Writer Zac Gorman […] has a steady grip on original creator Dan Harmon’s vision and style of humor. The beating heart of Rick and Morty is a knowledge of, and critical disdain for, sci-fi tropes, from the metaphysical nonsenses of time to the logical conclusions of endowing animals with consciousness. Gorman and arist CJ Cannon nail the feel almost perfectly […]” Overmental
RICK AND MORTY #12 In a very special issue of RICK AND MORTY, the family finds RICK’S SEVERED HEAD! Unable to find Morty, they assume both are dead and begin the somber steps of funeral arrangement. Meanwhile, Rick and Morty… have bigger problems.