
The first six issues of Low, Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini’s tale of decadence and despair, will hit store shelves in trade paperback form late next month.

The series shines the spotlight on Stel Caine and a group of survivors who fled underwater millennia ago to escape deadly solar radiation. Life underwater was supposed to be temporary, but the survivors got comfortable and carved out a life for themselves under the sea…a hedonistic life that threatens to destroy what’s left of the human race.

Caine believes she can save them all, but she must also keep her crumbling family intact as well. To do that, she’ll rely on her greatest weapon: her faith.

Remender said in an interview that “In terms of her and where she gains her optimism from…it’s faith. Writing a character for the first time that has faith, and has faith in this church, which is based on science instead of being based on a book that was written and mis-transcribed for 3,000 years or something. It doesn’t make her a dupe in my mind; it makes her somebody who is the last of a dying breed.”

Series artist Tocchini, a frequent collaborator with Remender, has created a world that is both ethereal and technologically marvelous. “Greg and I have been working together long enough that it’s like volleyball,” said Remender. “I’ll send him some very basic ideas… And then Greg comes back with concepts and model sheet design pieces that are just out of this f—ing world and give me a hundred new ideas.”

Low: The Delirium of Hope, will hit store shelves March 25 and will retail for $9.99.