
The penultimate issue of Superman Family Adventures begins with a doomsday meteor carrying Doomsday and crash landing in Metropolis. At the same time, Ma Kent brings Connor (Superboy), Kara (Supergirl), Streaky, and Krypto to tour Metropolis. Doomsday begins to wreck Metropolis, and Superboy and Supergirl go to stop him. When Superman doesn’t respond to Jimmy’s signal watch, Ma Kent leaps into the air, smacks Doomsday on the hand, and scolds him until he leaves the battle. Doomsday, Solomon Grundy, and the Terra Man robot from last issue commiserate on the sidewalk about their shameful scoldings at the hands of Ma Kent.

The B arc takes place at the Fortress of Solitude, where Braniac has enslaved the enlarged city of Kandor, Superman, Zod, Ursa, and Lara fight him. Lara uses the crystal computer to bring Jor-El back to life again to assist them. Jor-El joins the attack, but soon all are subdued by Braniac. Braniac leaves the field of battle, steals Kandor, and puts that Kryptonian city in the sun’s orbit on the opposite side from the Earth. What is amazing that although this is an epic moment, there are so many big things in every issue of SFA that this is not the major spoiler in this issue. When Braniac seized Lara in the battle, the robot detected a change in her physical structure that won’t be spoiled here.

For eleven issues in a row, Art Baltazar and Franco have schooled DC Comics in the right way to approach the writing of a Superman book. Think BIG. Not only do many issues have major spoilers, true OMG moments miles above the projected WTF covers, but these stories are meteoric fun times with laughs, drama, and unforgettable character moments. It is regrettable that there is only one more issue remaining, but that year has been a gift. In that year, Superman is inspired by pink periwinkle Kryptonite to be fabulous, Lara steps out of the phantom zone alive, Ma Kent busses to Metropolis to haul Solomon Grundy off by the ear, and the hologram of Jor-El is brought to life by Superman the Movie magic. Regardless of how old we are as a reader, we are all children reading this book, and these moments will not be forgotten.

Superman Family Adventures can be ordered at your local comic shop and is always available digitally on comiXology.