
It’s official: Mark Millar can do nothing wrong.

Hot on the heels of his fantastic Starlight miniseries for Image Comics, the Scottish scribe returns to the publisher, teaming with artist Sean Murphy and Matt Hollingsworth on Chrononauts.

Series stars Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly are relishing their status as global celebrities, and who wouldn’t in their shoes? The pair is poised to become the world’s first time travelers, and their exploits will be broadcast around the world.

Quinn and Reilly are polar opposites, and that’s what makes them work together so well. Quinn is the serious, straight-laced scientist, while Reilly is much more of a party boy.

The former has spent considerable time, pardon the pun, working on time travel, and after discovering a fighter jet under a tomb in Turkey, he realizes he’s moving in the right direction. Quinn constructs a satellite and sends it back in time, allowing the world to watch events from the Civil War unfold on their TVs as if it were happening live.

The next step is logical: Quinn and Reilly would go back in time themselves.

It wouldn’t be a compelling story if things didn’t go wrong, and man do things go wrong in a big way in this one.

Millar and Murphy, who are each fantastic in their own right, make magic with this collaboration.

Believe the hype. This book is going to be a strong contender for Comic of the Year and, for my money, is an instant classic. Run, do not walk, to your LCS on Wednesday and pick up a copy of this book.