After giving out a holiday greeting, we move on to a very brief chat about Rogue One.  At the time of the recording, Ken had been the only one to see the movie, so he gives us his opinion of the film, spoiler free, of course.  Next, we discuss the box office take of Rogue One, and then move on to discuss some of the new Star Wars related offerings that have been added to the Disney theme parks.

We then move on to our Rebels Recap, where we discuss the last three episodes of the cartoon in detail.  The episodes discussed are “The Wynkahthu Job”, “An Inside Man”, and “Visions and Voices”.  After the recap, we give a reading guide to the Rogue One Books that have been released, and then talk about the Star Wars merchandise that can be found this holiday season.

We finish off the show by previewing the Star Wars comics being released by Marvel in the next few weeks, and teasing our next episode of Wookiee Radio which will contain a full discussion of our thoughts on Rogue One, A Star Wars Story.  That episode will contain many spoilers, so consider this your warning.