Webcomic Roundup: Beeserker, Gronk, Christopher, and more!
Posted By Leo Johnson on February 22, 2013

Starting the Webcomic Roundup this week is Beeserker. Beeserker follows two clones known as the Sciencemen who build a robot powered by bees! Beeserker has a habit of ripping the Sciencemen in half, but they luckily heal very quickly. The creator known simply as Kyatt has been posting Beeserker for almost three years now and the story has taken all sorts of unexpected turns. With characters ranging from a girl who sells bees to a psychic bee-cat monster to a centaur, Beeserker is sure to keep you laughing with its ridiculousness and fun story.

Next up is Gronk. Katie Cook has been posting about the monster named Gronk and Dale, the human that found her, for about three years now. Gronk is the nicest, cuddliest monster there is and fans have loved her. Cook has had Gronk go from obscurity to one of the most popular comics on the internet. It’s a lighthearted comic perfect for readers of all ages. Watching Gronk learn new things, discover the internet, and get excited about kitties makes for a great read every time.

Christopher is third this week. Chris Williams started his comic nearly two-and-a-half years ago as a way to chronicle his wife’s pregnancy and his upcoming child. It’s since turned into a diary comic about a new father and the little moments that make life special. Williams talks about his job, his son, past traumas, and more in this comic. While the art is simple and updates are often scattered, each comic is instantly relatable. Everyone has had their child (or nephew, niece, cousin, etc.) say something ridiculous or been part of a great joke with friends, and Chris always manages to make it worth a read.

Pictures of You
Pictures of You by Gibson Twist is about “the best friends you’ll ever lose”, as Twist puts it. It’s the tale of Peter and college friends as they form and break relationships, get drunk, make rash decisions, and make music. It’s often not safe for work, but don’t let that stop you from reading. With over 1000 pages and six years of work, Pictures of You is easy to get engrossed in and will make any reader legitimately care about the characters. It’s a perfect way to spend a weekend.

Chainsaw Suit
And Chainsaw Suit rounds out the list this week. Creator Kris Straub updates seemingly at will with three panels of perfection. Each strip is ridiculous and silly and not quite like anything else on the internet. The name instantly intrigues any potential reader and it’s the absurdity of the writing that keeps them around. Like many other comics of a similar nature, Chainsaw Suit features simple artwork, but still manages to keep readers entertained with great jokes.
Another Webcomic Roundup full of great comics for your reading pleasure. Be sure to check out any that seem interesting and if you’d like to see any of your favorite comics featured, feel free to leave a comment or let us know on Twitter.
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