
American Mythology Productions has seized on the perfect social media promotion to get fans excited about the release of The Three Stooges: Red, White & Stooge:  there are three variant editions, each with a different Stooge on the cover, and Three Stooges fans can vote on social media to see whether Larry, Moe, or Curly will win the election.  American Mythology asks in the press release for this event, “Who will become the next POTUS, or in this case DOOFUS?”

Through June 30th, 2016, fans can vote either by ordering a particular cover of Three Stooges: Red, White, and Stooge through their comic shop, ComiXology, or americanmythology.net, or they can also vote by tweeting the hashtags #VoteLarry, #VoteMoe, or #VoteCurly to the @AmericanMytho Twitter handle, by posting on the American Mythology Comics Facebook page, or by emailing info@americanmythologyproductions.com.

The 32 page comic by S.A. Check and Brendon and Brian Fraim arrives this August for $3.99.

“Who wouldn’t want to write this story? I mean, really. Writing for The Three Stooges is a dream come true for me, putting The Boys in one wacky scenario after another is as much fun to write as, I hope, it is to read,” said writer S.A. Check. “When American Mythology approached me about writing the issue, I literally jumped through the phone at the chance. The Three Stooges operate outside of normal conventions, whether we put them in space, fighting dinosaurs, or just baking a cake, the world around them just seems to conform to their own brand of comic genius.”

“We’ve been looking forward and planning this issue ever since we started publishing the new Three Stooges comics last spring. It’s a perfect setting to showcase The Boys and their unique brand of madness,” said Michael Bornstein, American Mythology’s publisher. “We decided to kick it up another notch by bringing the fans into the action by allowing them to decide the end of the story. They literally get to choose their favorite character and put them in the White House by either buying a cover with their choice of Stooge or participating on social media to cast their vote. This is a comic book event that we want everyone to have fun with and show their support for the Three Stooges by following along up to the big reveal with the book’s release. Get your knucklehead on and join us as we turn everything Red White & Stooge.”

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