This week’s Webcomic Roundup features Dinosaur Kid, Broodhollow, Monster Pulse, Power Nap, and Cheap Caffeine. Check out a mix of all-ages and horror, scifi and humor comics in this week’s post, all from a wide variety of creators, everything from veterans with a decade of experience to creators only five months into the process.
For many webcomics, their beginnings on the web are merely a way to build an audience before print issues or collected editions are made later on. After months or years of posting online they take their hard work and put it in material form. This process has been the status quo for many years, but now there’s a new front emerging in webcomics: the digital-specific comics …
Webcomics are ever present on the internet, with new ones popping up literally every day. With the vast selection, it’s often hard to find a few or even one comic that you can enjoy. That’s where the Webcomic Roundup comes in. This week, five comics for your perusal: Dear Dinosaur, Xombee Guy, Scandinavia and the World, Pictures for Sad Children, and Nothing is Forgotten.
More webcomics for the readers perusal! The webcomic education continues this week with the following comics: Just Another Sheep, The Hall Monitors, reMIND, Penny Arcade, and Toothpaste for Dinner. A mixture long and short form comics this week. Read a bit more about each one and if you’re interested, be sure to check it out!
Webcomics are, well, comics on the web. They can be full pages like in a comic book, strips like in a newspaper, or something entirely different like a photograph. The …
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