
James Marsters

2013 Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con
4 years ago

2013 Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con

By  •  Gaming, Comics, Movies


It’s that time of year again: Comic Con. The time where fanboys & girls are excited to see all the stuff that’s available and where their …
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Warehouse 13 4.11: We Saved the World and Reality Sucks

Warehouse 13, The Living and The Dead

Pete, because quiet reflection is not his gig, comments “Right. You know, it’s always ultimately death. I mean, artifacts never release a plague of tickles, or an epidemic of kittens.” How the cast manages to keep a straight face for that take is beyond me.

Warehouse 13 Returns! Season 4.5 Syfy Press Call Teasers
4 years ago

Warehouse 13 Returns! Season 4.5 Syfy Press Call Teasers

To talk about how to clean up and manage the first half of Season 4, Eddie McClintock (Pete Lattimer), Joannne Kelly (Myka Bering), and showrunner Jack Kenny got together on a Syfy press call to dish about the upcoming ten episodes of Warehouse 13.

Warehouse 13 Returns With Anthony Head and James Marsters

Courtesy of

Two science-fiction greats visit the cast of Syfy’s Warehouse 13 in the second half of Season 4.
