Byron Campbell | October 26, 2013
If there’s one demographic that knows how to get into the spirit of Halloween, it’s gamers. Every year during the month of October, there’s at least one spooky little gaming treat to get us all into the mood. In 2010 it was Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare; in 2011, we got Infamous: Festival of Blood; 2012 [...]
Category: Gaming | No Comments »
Tags: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, board games, card games, Cheapass Games, computer games, crowdfunding, Cyan, Geek Haven, Get Luck, Glamazons, Glamazons vs The Curse of the Chainmail Bikini, Goblin Rocket Games, halloween, Hotline Miami, Infamous: Festival of Blood, Kickstarter, Kill Doctor Lucky, Mantic Games, Mars Attacks, Mars Attacks - The Miniatures Game, Matt Loter, MYST, Obduction, Prettiest Princess Games, Raindrop, Raindrop Studios, Rebuild, Rebuild: Gangs of Deadsville, Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, Riven, Sarah Northway, SCALE, Steve Swink, tabletop gaming, video games, Witch Hunt: Ravenwicke
Ryan Morrissey-Smith | April 2, 2013
New to the Movies Section of Nerdspan is A Bunch of Fives. In coming months A Bunch of Fives will discuss some of the overlooked areas in film and list five of them. Hopefully you will enjoy it, if not just read it and humor me ok?
Category: Movies | No Comments »
Tags: anchorman, bunch of fives, film, full metal jacket, halloween, kill bill vol 2, les grossman, list, r lee emery, ronnie white, Tom Cruise, tropic thunder, will ferrell