“Mermaids and ukuleles, what could go wrong?” Mike, after Maki and Amy have pulled this week’s elimination’s topics. There’s been some excitement about this elimination pairing, and yet, while the strips were good, they were a bit of a letdown. Plus, it was interesting that Maki chose not to use his Redraw Ticket.

This art-off we got to see a bit more of Amy and Maki than we’ve seen in the entire four days previously. Which, wow. Amy’s been playing the game almost by herself, it seems. We’ve listened to her strategize and dish for weeks and tonight  was no exception; hint: there’s another one ‘playing the game’ just like her. She’s the lone pencil wielder to live up to Mike and Jerry’s idea of the bloodshed atmosphere they’d attempted to cultivate; listening to her razz right back was a treat.

 Mike: Artists, you’ve an hour remaining. Amy, do you feel like you’ve pissed away the first thirty minutes?

Amy: I feel like I’ve pissed away the first twenty-four years of my life.

Mike: I don’t know. I mean, I’m looking at the work Maki’s gotten done over here, and I’m looking over there…

Amy: Whatever. I scripted my shit.

Maki was genial and completely upfront about his life. The guy is completely genuine and even with the body of work he’s been putting out, he was, of all peoples, intimidated. It was nice to see him sass back a bit, too, while keeping it Übermensch classy.

After the entertainment, both had provided good strips, just nothing spectacular. Ultimately it was Amy’s that didn’t really capture the spirit of  Dungeon Time.  Besides, after her strip and antics of late, I was ready for Amy to go and was rewarded with the Smoothie of Rejection. No big surprises tonight, but I do wonder how a Smoothie Falcone tastes.


The bigger strip doesn't always win.

The bigger strip doesn’t always win.

My current top three still remain unchanged:
Katie, Tavis, and Maki

New episodes air Tuesday and Friday on Penny Arcade and youtube.

Current Standings:

Abby Howard, 20, Montreal, Quebec.
She’s the youngest and has the least experience. But she draws dinosaurs! However, will any of those things even matter?

Alex Hobbs, 22, Tempe, AZ.
This swear-word dropping free-spirit is highly likeable, but will his work be up to par? Set to graduate post-Strip Search, it’ll be interesting to see where this will take him. Eliminated 1st Challenge

Amy Falcone, 24, Noank, CT
Gamer to the innards, Amy is serious and competitive to a fault. Will that fault be her undoing? Whatever the result, quitting her job to do Strip Search shows her passion.
(Challenge #1 Winner)
(Social Game #3 / Drawing Blind Winner – Intuos5 Tablet)

(Eliminated 5th Challenge)

Erika Moen, 29, Portland, OR
Proven work in social and sexual commentary brings her to the contest with a following that marks her as one to have eyes on.
(Social Game #3 / Drawing Blind Winner – Intuos5 Tablet)
(Challenge #4 Winner)

Katie Rice,31, Burbank, CA
A soft-spoken artist with a following of her own.  Some of those fans are also fellow contestants. Will she use the star power to stun?
(Kept: Elimination #1)
(Kept: Elimination #2)
(Social Game #4 / Street Art Winner – Artist Alley booth at NYCC ’13)
(Social Game #5 / Sculpt-Off Winner – Redraw Ticket)

Lexxy – Alexandra Douglas, 27, Carmel, IN
Also seen in Penny Arcade: The Series, she’s dealt with Gabe and Tycho’s reality egos. If that helps or harms remains to be seen. Eliminated 3rd Challenge (but BARELY)
(Social Game #2 / Seattle Trivia Winner – Wacom Cintiq HD Tablet)
(Returned to compete after the double elimination #4)

Mac – Mackenzie Schubert, 26, Portland, OR
Quiet, doe-eyes Mac has a very defined artistic style all his own. It’ll be interesting to watch how his gentle soul deals with the mood swings a competitive show can bring.
Eliminated 4th Challenge
(Social Game #4 / Street Art Winner – Artist Alley booth at NYCC ’13)

Maki Naro, 31, Brooklyn, NY
While I sincerely hope this guy watches Psych, his cool logic and talent may very well be what brings him to the final set of competitors.
(Social Game #1 / Fax Machine Winner – Redraw Ticket)
(Social Game #4 / Street Art Winner – Artist Alley booth at NYCC ’13)
(Kept: Elimination #5)

Monica Ray, 22, Northbrook, IL
While seemingly quiet at the beginning, Monica’s super-power of Always Doing Something And Befriending All seems a gift. Remains to be seen if that gift implodes or explodes.

Nick Trujillo, 30, Walnut Creek, CA
Something of a philosopher and jack of all trades, Nick’s ability to be alright with people and make good art is something to watch. But will his relative newness to the industry be a detriment?
Eliminated 4th Challenge
(Challenge #2 Winner)
(Challenge #3 Winner)

Tavis Maiden, 31, Mesa, AZ
Bringing the attitude only a parent can, Tavis wants this more than any five-year-old screaming for the last piece of cake. He may get it, too.
(Kept: Elimination #3)

Ty Halley, 25, Portsmouth, OH
Clipped, dry witted Ty has no brain-to-mouth–filter. And, he’s using his time on Strip Search as material for his own daily life strip. That will be interesting.
 Eliminated 2nd Challenge

All  bios and links to the personal websites of each artist can be found here.


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