Review: Willow in Wonderland #4

Posted By on February 6, 2013

WillowLast year, Buffy (the Vampire Slayer) destroyed the Seed of Wonder – the source of all magic in our world. While this saved the world from getting swallowed up by Twilight, it also cut Earth off from all other worlds and dimensions, as well as all magic. As one might expect, Willow (self-styled Sorceress Supreme of our dimension) was not too happy about this and has set off on a quest to restore magic to her world by any means necessary.

Her journey has taken her through Quor’toth (the Hell dimension where Connor was raised), the inspiration for Lewis Carrol’s Wonderland, and a paradise dimension filled with sexy witches – including Willow’s lover and teacher Aluwyn. Unfortunately for Willow, it’s all been a bit of a trick. Aluwyn attempts to keep Willow with her rather than restoring magic. Luckily for the world, Willow comes to her senses and leaves her Super Coven, finding yet another dimension with fellow traveller Marrack – who, as it turns out, is actually a familiar face.

So far, this series has been quite a bit of fun. There has been a talking caterpillar, memory water, a hive-mind Cthulhu beast, sentient nightmares, and other bizarre sights. Willow has begun to realize that “light magic” and “black magic” are not so easily distinguished, which may explain why Dark Willow exists in the future timeline with Fray. Hopefully, this series will serve to tie in Fray with Buffy, bridging the gaps and explaining how the Buffyverse changes so drastically. Even more so, it should tie into the final arc of Buffy: Season 9, and set the stage for Season 10.

Overall, this series is well-done. Christos Gage has proven on Angel and Faith to have an excellent handle on the various Buffy characters, and it continues in Willow. Jeff Parker’s art matches well with both that series and the main Buffy series. And perhaps best of all, the world-building is just fantastic. Various dimensions, the nature of magic, connections to all sorts of past continuity… there’s a lot for the hard-core Buffy fans to love.


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About the Author

Ian Menard
Ian has a B.B.A. in Finance from Baylor University, but decided to be a teacher instead. He loves comics, Netflix, and Vanilla Coke - not necessarily in that order. Ian hopes to someday write comics professionally, and do an IronMan. He can be found on Twitter as @IanMenard and his blog at