The next installment of the classic anime series Ranma 1/2 will hit shelves on June 24th. Each set from VIZ Media contains 23 episodes fully restored and in the original, un-cropped 4:3 aspect ratio.


From VIZ:

The latest RANMA ½ box set continues the zany adventures of Ranma Saotome, the boy who turns into a girl with a splash of water and always has his hands full fending off enthusiastic admirers! One of the most enthusiastic is Shampoo, the powerful Amazon from China who wants to kill the girl Ranma and marry the boy Ranma! And when she falls into a cursed spring and turns into a cat, the claws come out! But Shampoo has a suitor of her own, Mousse, who shows up one day and challenges Ranma to a battle over…Ranma’s fiancée, Akane? Then, Ranma’s dad, Genma, and Akane’s dad, Soun, studied under the same master, Happosai, who happens to be a bit of a perv. Surely there could be no connection between his sudden appearance and the disappearance of some neighborhood ladies’ undies!

Guaranteed to become a highlight of any anime fan’s media collection,  the Limited Edition Blu-ray Box Set comes packaged in a premium chipboard box with gold foil stamping that is beautifully illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi and also includes a 32-page booklet, complete episode guide, and a collectable full-color RANMA ½ art card. Special bonus features available exclusively on the Blu-ray edition include, ’We love Ranma’ Part 2 – Favorite Scenes,’ the continuation of an ongoing series of insightful interviews tracing the legacy and impact of the groundbreaking anime show.

The Blu-ray set carries an MSRP of $54.97 U.S. / $66.15 CAN. The 23 episodes are divided onto 3 Blu-ray discs in full 1080p high definition resolution. It’s chock full of bonus features perfect for anime fans. The DVD set is available for an MSRP of $44.82 U.S. / $43.24 CAN.  Both can be enjoyed in both the original Japanese and dubbed English. English subtitles are available.