ONI Press announced that they are publishing a print edition of Oyster War, the Eisner-nominated Ben Towle’s webcomic, and the comic book will launch at Small Press Expo (SPX).

In Oyster War, Commander Davidson Bulloch pursues oyster pirates, but Treacher Fink, the pirates’ leader, possesses an artifact that can beckon a spirit with power over the ocean and all the contents of its watery depths.

“I started work on Oyster War five years ago with a very specific vision,” says creator Ben Towle. “I’d done several historical fiction books previously and now I wanted to jump squarely into the realm of the fantastic. Oyster War is a nautical adventure story set in a not-quite-real late 19th century US that’s full of pirates, brawlers, sea serpents, and shape-shifters. It’s far and away my favorite work to-date. I couldn’t be happier with the way Oni’s bringing the Oyster War print collection to life. Presentation was always in the back of my mind as I worked on the story. From the get-go I conceived of Oyster War as a big, hardcover, European album-sized book with high-end production values—and that’s exactly what’s going to wind up in readers’ hands!”

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