Archie Comics has released previews of this week’s releases, including Wednesday’s print releases of Archie #4, The Black Hood #7, and Archie’s Funhouse Jumbo Comics Digest #17, as well as Friday’s digital releases, Pep Digital Vol. 173: Archie & Friends: Blast to the Past and Archie 75 Series: Kevin Keller.

Official previews:


The biggest comic series of the year continues as the greatest mystery in comic books is finally revealed! The “lipstick incident” split Archie and Betty apart and left Riverdale changed forever. What exactly happened and can things possibly be fixed? Find out in this issue and welcome ANNIE WU (BLACK CANARY, HAWKEYE) to Riverdale, as she takes over art duties in this brand new issue!
Script: Mark Waid

Art: Annie Wu, Andre Szymanowicz, Jen Vaughn, Jack Morelli

Cover: Annie Wu

Variant Covers: Mahmud Asrar, Francesco Francavilla, Jaime Hernandez with Rosario “Tito” Peña, Joe Quinones, Paul Renaud

On Sale Date: 11/25

32-page, full color comic

$3.99 U.S.

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Betty has surprised everyone with a new tradition for the Christmas season: a low-budget Secret Santa! Ok, that’s not that surprising, but here’s the twist… all of the gifts have to be hand-made! There’s nothing more heartfelt than a gift made by hand—unless, of course, if you’re all-thumbs! How will some of our not-so-crafty pals ‘n’ gals fare in this new holiday tradition? Find out in “Not-So-Secret Santas,” the all-new fun and festive lead story to this JUMBO-sized comics digest!
Script: Tania Del Rio

Art: Fernando Ruiz, Bob Smith, Jack Morelli, Digikore Studios

Cover: Fernando Ruiz, Bob Smith, Rosario “Tito” Peña

On Sale Date: 11/25

256-page, full color comic

$6.99 U.S.

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“The Lonely Crusade, Part 1” Greg Hettinger returns to Philadelphia and promises his closest friend, Jessie Dupree, that his hood-wearing vigilante days are over. But it’s a promise he’s going to struggle to keep—especially when a gang calling themselves “The Crusaders” are prowling the City of Brotherly Love, scooping up “undesirables” and asking if they want to be saved… The second action-packed arc of The Black Hood begins here!

Script: Duane Swierczynski

Art: Michael Gaydos, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Rachel Deering

Cover: Francesco Francavilla

Variant Cover: David Mack

On Sale Date: 11/25

32-page, full color comic

$3.99 U.S.

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Digital Exclusives: 11/27/15

Archie Meets Archie?! What’s going on here?! Seems like something strange is happening in Riverdale, and the gang is meeting up with past versions of themselves! It’s causing some trouble, too—can Jughead out-eat himself? Which Reggie plays the best pranks? And with two Bettys and two Veronicas wandering around, Archie has TWICE the girl trouble!
Script: Nelson Ribeiro, Fernando Ruiz

Art: Rex Lindsey, Jeff Shultz, Jon D’Agostino, Rich Koslowski, Jack Morelli, Barry Grossman

Cover: Rex Lindsey

On Sale Date: 11/27

70-page, digital exclusive

$4.99 U.S.

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Celebrate the 75th anniversary of Archie Comics with this special retrospective presentation! Kevin Keller, introduced in 2010, made a huge splash as he became Riverdale’s first openly gay resident. In this installment, we share some of the best and most pivotal stories from his series, from his first issue to his first kiss!
Script: Dan Parent, Paul Kupperberg

Art: Dan Parent, Rich Koslowski, Jack Morelli, Digikore Studios

Cover: Dan Parent

On Sale Date: 11/27

75-page, digital exclusive

$2.99 U.S.

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