NBC has released four minutes and fourteen seconds of “The Alamo” clips.   The much-anticipated set piece episode arrives on October 31st, 2016.

NerdSpan previously posted crew interviews and behind the scenes footage, as well as a number of screen captures, from this heavily anticipated episode.

Timeless is shaping up to have a fascinating first season that focuses on the exploration of history rather than endless speculation on futures, which we’ve already had extensive commentary on in many other science fiction television shows.  Has anyone else commented that Timeless appears to follow Sidney Newman’s original concept for Doctor Who, before Verity Lambert added Daleks to the formula?  To me, TImeless is Doctor Who as it could have been, 53 years later, and with an American flavor.  Let’s see if the writers manage to keep bug-eyed monsters (and evil pepper pots) out of this time travel adventure.

Official episode description:

Timeless: The Alamo(NBC)

Air Date: 10/31/2016 10:01 PM