


Mark Millar has a story to tell, and the opening chapter of that tale will be told in Starlight #1, a new series from Image Comics debuting in March.

The first character readers will meet in the Millarworld Universe is Duke McQueen, a former space hero who saved the galaxy often during his glorious career. Now a widower with grown kids, McQueen has lived a mundane existence since hanging up the blaster and space pack. However, a plea for help from a distant world pulls the aging adventurer back into action again.

“Plain and simple, this is the book that starts it all,” Millar said. “You’re getting on the ground floor here for a three years plan I have featuring nine or ten titles with the biggest artists in the comic-book industry.” Other titles will be released at a later date.

Starlight is drawn by Goran Parlov, best known for his work on Punisher Max for Marvel Comics.

“I’ve always been a fan of old gunslinger stories… the idea of this man who had been famous for his excellence getting one last chance to show what he can do,” Millar said. “Applying that myth to a space-hero, to an iconic sci-fi character, seemed really interesting to me.

“The character is so warm and likable as well as gruff and, I suppose, bad-ass that he really just wrote himself,” he added. “Goran and I are very proud of this book.”

The book will ship March 5 with two covers, one by John Cassady (above) and one by Parlov.

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