
How far would you go for the one you loved? For Plenilunio, the protagonist of Nightworld Volume 1, a new graphic novel from Image Comics, the answer is down the road to pure evil.

Plenilunio was once a regular man, but that all changed when the love of his life, Lidia fell into a wandering sleep. With getting Lidia back his top priority, our hero made a literal deal with the devil and sacrificed his humanity in exchange for her return.

Naturally, things didn’t go according to plan, and Lidia remained trapped in her dreams and Plenilunio was transformed into a demon.

After his transformation, Plenilunio discovers a mystical object, the Soul Key, which he believes will free his beloved and transform him back from his horrible form. He sets out to accomplish this with the assistance of a necromancer and his granddaughter, but the lord of darkness has minions of his own who are hell bent, pun intended, on stopping him.

Writer Adam McGovern and artist Paolo Leandri combine to tell this tale of love, hope and revenge punctuated by artwork reminiscent of Jack Kirby himself.

McGovern described the book in an interview as “a reliquary of my regrets about human reactions to trying circumstances, a treasure chest of Paolo’s and my passions for mid-century pop culture, and an open vault of our ambitions for how fun and adventurous comics can be.”

Nightworld Volume 1 will be in comic book stores on February 25 and bookstores on March 10.