Joe Schmo Season 3: Chase is Almost Done Playing Games
Last week’s episode had Chase a little worried when inmates from a local prison showed up and Jake announced that everyone would be paired together and each pair would be ankle chained to an inmate. Of course Chase is the odd man out and has to be chained to an inmate by himself. Naturally Chase is concerned about this but as he begins to get to know “his” inmate, he begins to get a little more comfortable with it. That is until the inmate asks Chase for a picture of Chase’s wife so he can take it back to prison with him when he returns. Chase offers him cookies instead, that’s a fair compromise.

Karlee & Mr. Wentworth – Spike TV
After competing in the elimination challenge, which Chase loses, everyone is sitting together and Karlee decides to pull out Mr. Wentworth, her ventriloquist dummy to sing a song. The song is a silly song and Karlee can not control herself. As she sings the song with Mr. Wentworth she begins laughing over and over again. At times it appears as though she may be crying. How many times is she going to blow it for the show? This is now 3 times she has done something that could if not should have tipped off Chase that something is not right. Chase is obviously noticing Karlee’s actions but does not say anything about it for the time being.
Chase continues to get to know his inmate and about his family and a daughter he really misses since he has been behind bars. Chase encourages him to reach out to his daughter through letters so she will know that he truly loves and cares about her. During a bathroom break, which Chase’s inmate is allowed to go alone, the inmate escapes out the window leaving a note on the mirror thanking Chase and now the inmate is gone to go “do the right thing,” assuming to go see his family. Naturally the guard makes Chase feel as if he has done something wrong to get his blood pumping and put him on the spot once again. How much more are they going to put this guy through? It is one twist after another, he has got to be thinking, “what else can go wrong?” As Chase is talking with the other house members he notices something strange in the back yard, he begins saying, “they are just walking around back there.” What does he see? Could this be the end of the show? That is how last week’s episode ended leaving us to ponder for an entire week.
This week the show begins with Chase trying to figure out what is going on and why people are outside just walking around with an inmate on the loose. The cast and crew quickly recover by having Jake rush inside claiming the authorities caught the inmate. Chase’s gears are turning inside his head and everyone knows they need to get him back on track and his mind off of trying to find something wrong. So, Karlee decides to pull out Mr. Wentworth again to try to get Chase to stop thinking about what just happened. Really? This for me is beating a dead horse, Karlee has almost blown it so many times and, in my opinion, the Mr. Wentworth bit is over played along with borderline ridiculous. Chase is not buying into the Mr. Wentworth performance either and you can tell he is still thinking about the day’s events.
How much more can Chase handle before he blows the lid off this show exposing it as a fake? It appears the cast and crew are getting desperate to convince Chase everything is real but in doing so it seems they are actually going to blow it.

Randy finds poo. Spike TV
Allison is “voted” off the show and before she leaves she has a huge breakdown throwing a fit and making some light idle threats. As everyone is in the kitchen a little while later reflecting on what just happened the producers tell Randy they have his urn, which Randy has been looking for all day. They tell him Allison had it and gave it to them as she was leaving. The urn is special to Randy because it holds the ash remains of his beloved dog. Randy suspected Allison of having the urn since Randy stabbed her in the back by giving immunity to Karlee instead of Allison. When Randy gets his urn back he looks in side noticing feces inside with the ashes. That’s right, there is poo inside the urn. Randy freaks out dumping the urn’s contents on the kitchen floor and begins scooping back in the ashes, separating them from the poo.
This would have probably been hilarious if so many other things had not already gone wrong and put Chase’s mind in a place where he is suspicious of everything. Chase does not appear to be affected by Randy’s poo filtering and does not say a word except to ask the crew for a pen and a notepad. The crew watch on a monitor, linked to a camera in Chase’s room, as Chase is writing they can begin to make out the words on the paper. Chase is writing about how he thinks there are some actors on the show. Oh No! Naturally the crew begins to flip out in concern, the show was in jeopardy before but now it seems it will be exposed for sure.
Will Chase put it all together and present it to the cast and crew. Will he keep it to himself for later confirmation? You will just have to wait until next week to find out. The cast and crew may have a chance to salvage the situation but if they continue with the far-fetched drama that they have been feeding Chase I am certain he will say something and that will be the end for the show.