Image Comics Weekly News Wrap Up
Looking for Image news and upcoming books? Look no further.
New All-Ages Comic Coming This November
A new comic by Michael Stock and Sina Grace featuring a curious young girl will join the Image line-up November 5th. Penny Dora and the Wishing Box is a retelling of the Pandora myth that reimagines the box as a wishing box. Penny will realize that she must be careful about what she wishes for.
From Image:
Stock cited his daughter for first inspiring him to write about Penny Dora’s adventures. “Penny Dora is actually based on a story my daughter Nico wrote when she was 8 years old for her school paper. The first issue is basically an expansion of her original story. Since then the story has grown through talks we had in the car on the way to school in the mornings via a playful papa/daughter back and forth game of ‘what if.’ The cat in the book, Iggy, is based on our cat (also named Iggy, and also a great lover of ham).”
Grace added: “The minute I read Michael’s scripts for the series, I was absolutely enchanted by Penny Dora and her world. It’s been a dream to breathe life into the adventures of fantastic and charming characters. I can’t wait for the world to see!”
Penny Dora and the Wishing Box can be ordered through your local comic book shop and carries a cover price of $2.99.
Preview of Upcoming Issue of Spread #3
Justin Jordan and Kyle Strahm are enjoying success with their new series Spread, which tells of the spread of a viral growth that takes over the world. Check out the images from the third issue:
“A very good case for creepiest apocalypse ever.” —USA Today
“One read, and I’m infected. Spread gets under your skin in all the right ways. Read this now. Your eyeballs will thank you.” —Jason Aaron (SOUTHERN BASTARDS, Scalped, Thor God of Thunder, Wolverine & the X-Men)
“A.) A bio-morphic planetary spread B.) An ax swinging survivor named NO and C.) A red stained baby giggle’n in the snow speak’n squiggles… SOLD! SPREAD, Jordan & Strahm give me nothing but HOPE for the future of horror.” —Nathan Fox(Dogs of War, Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers, Fluorescent Black)
“…A dude armed with an axe & a baby fighting monsters with eyeballs that try to eat you. I love this comic. Strahm’s art is visceral and kinetic, you’ve never seen dead things drawn so alive.“ —Nick Pitarra (THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS)
“Kyle Strahm’s art is so f***ing gross and awesome I couldn’t wait to see what he was about to draw on the next page. I feel like I need to wash ink off my hands after reading this. Good stuff.” —Skottie Young (Rocket Raccoon, Fortunately the Milk, Oz)
“Just when you think you know what kind of creepy-as-Hell story Jordan, Strahm, and Sobreiro are telling, they shift gears and bring you something that elevatesSpread to epic levels of apocalyptic
horror.” —Cullen Bunn (The Sixth Gun, Helheim)“A perfect fusion of everything great about 80s American horror with a Chanbara movie twist and a healthy respect for the fine art of sequential storytelling.” —TIM SEELEY (REVIVAL, HACK/SLASH, Batman Eternal)
“Spread is a really good horror/action movie I get to be on the ground floor for and watch every month. Kyle Strahm’s art is the best I’ve seen from him today. Wispy and and organic. Going from quiet to horribly disgusting in 0 to 60. Really excited to see where this goes.” —Mike Norton (REVIVAL, Battlepug, The Answer)
“Tell me there’s a comic about a baby and her pet badass fighting to survive packs of degenerate cannibals and the world-eating gore virus that made them, you’ve got my interest. Tell me Kyle Strahm is drawing
the thing you’ve got my money. Kyle spits nightmares from the tip of his pen and Spread is the book he was born to draw.” —Dennis Hopeless (Avengers Arena,Avengers Undercover, Cable and X-Force)“Spread reminds me of watching horror movies in my parents’ basement with a rowdy group of friends, a bag of Cheetos, and a case of beer that we found in the woods.” —Chris Burnham (NAMELESS, Batman Incorporated, Officer Downe)
Reprints of SPREAD #1 and #2 will be on shelves alongside this third issue on 9/10.
Fourth Reprint for Outcast #1 Available September
Have you checked out the newest comic from Robert Kirkman, Outcast? If not, no worries. A fourth reprint of the double-sized first issue will be out September 10th. Oh, and Cinemax has greenlit a pilot episode of this brand-new comic series. Read it before you watch it!
Blue Estate Collected in a Hardcover from Image
The twelve-issue mini-series Blue Estate from Viktor Kalvachev and Kosta Yanev will be collected in a deluxe, oversized hardcover edition from Image. The collection will be available in comic book stores September 10th and in bookstores September 23.
From Image:
As dueling crime families battle in the glitziest and grittiest parts of Los Angeles, Rachel Maddox tries to disentangle her life from her abusive action-hero husband in this Eisner Award-nominated tale of desperate starlets, suspiciously macho actors, bungling mobsters, and hapless private dicks.
Kalvachev’s work on BLUE ESTATE garnered nominations for Best Cover Artist and Best Coloring Eisner Awards in 2012. His stunning painted covers and vivid coloring unite the work of a dozen artists — including Nathan Fox, Tomm Coker, Dave Johnson, Paul Maybury, and Marley Zarcone — whose different styles bring different moods and effects to his and Kosta Yanev’s over-the-top story (scripted with incisive wit by Andrew Osborne).