Geek Start A Go Go: CZ-918 Sequel

Posted By on April 1, 2013


What started out as a simple student film about zombies has turned out to be something that everyone wants to be a part of. The media buzz has spread news of this zombie film as if it were its own virus.

Description: A military doctor running through zombie infested farmland finds herself trapped inside a house in the middle of nowhere with two other people. She’s carrying a single dose of a virus cure called CZ-918 that she has been working on since the outbreak. Because she has been bitten she has less than 24 hours before she will become a zombie herself. The three, safe inside the house, now have a time element if they are to save the human race. The group must comes up with a plan to escape the house and get the doctor to a military medical facility 2 miles away with the cure in order to save mankind. They decide to let the zombie’s storm into the house and trap them inside, then take out any remaining threatening creatures outside, and escort the doctor to safety. But the plan could be a lot more dangerous then any of them anticipate.

Check out the campaign video.


To see this film, visit:
Click Here to see Part 1!
Click Here to see Part 2!


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About the Author

Bill Ostroff
Bill Ostroff (Producer/Director/Writer) is a self proclaimed geek and multimedia producer. He has produced 27 film festivals, works in the film/ TV industry as an AD, with over 100 credits to his name, and has watched over 15,000 independent films. He is co-founder of and has worked with multiple .com startups in his career creating original content. After successfully raising over $11,000 on Kickstarter for his web series, Jedi Camp, he has been promoting crowdfund campaigns through his festival site, FirstGlance Film Fests, and was invited to do the same for independent Geek projects on NerdSpan.